求一篇100字的英语作文~主题为 花木兰2 的观后感~谢谢各位啦~ 20

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2010-12-17 · TA获得超过823个赞
Lara in the afternoon and watched the Disney on Ice - Princess Wishes "Disney World on Ice - Princess dream." In Mickey, Minnie and under the leadership of the Little Ding-Dong, 7 beautiful princess came to us: Snow White, Princess Christian (Cinderella), the son of Princess Margaret Ellis (small mermaid), Princess Margaret Bell ( "Beauty and Beast "), Rod Love Princess (Sleeping Beauty), Princess Jasmine (" Aladdin "), Mulan. Princess has become used to be a child's dream, I am very glad to do his mother still retains such a childlike innocence. The play is the story of 7 string together, each one opening story, and I have next to the children as excited speculation that the story of the princess who is the protagonist. Princess Jasmine want to go exploring, in the Aladdin Magic Lamp to the help of a new world; look forward to Snow White's Prince Charming finally came to her side; Cinderella's pumpkin took the gold car in the ball court; Prince, after many tests, Sleeping Beauty ... ... a wake-up when the Little Mermaid out, I think this is a plot to use the original version of the story, or change it. ---- From then on, is the outcome of the prince and princess have a happy life ... ... Mulan think on the inside or play some far-fetched, may be considered with Chinese elements, of course it's also doing very well designed, simple martial arts moves very Oriental flavor.
2010-12-15 · TA获得超过792个赞
British war produce estrogen, men living without the heroic circumstances, there will be female hero, the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Rouran war and there are no conspicuous men, there will be a highlight of the heroine Mulan. She this is a weak girl to be his elderly father, no longer weak and she is weaving this woman, but her father in order to the army to fight. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: from women's Xu Mei. Mulan will be off, how the rapid tension, the morale is very high, the march of more radical, more tense military situation, Junlingrushan down, as a girl left the Boudoir, in the battlefield, Heyi into another world. She and men with eating to live together and eat the same plight, the same tired, but with men stem from different deeds, created a brilliant and different men, but also proved that "where women than men» "

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/157219556.html

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." In Mickey, Minnie and under the leadership of the Little Ding-Dong, 7 beautiful princess came to us: Snow White, Princess Christian (Cinderella), the son of Princess Margaret Ellis (small mermaid), Princess Margaret Bell ( "Beauty and Beast "), Rod Love Princess (Sleeping Beauty), Princess Jasmine (" Aladdin "), Mulan. Princess has become used to be a child's dream, I am very glad to do his mother still retains such a childlike innocence. The play is the story of 7 string together, each one opening story, and I have next to the children as excited speculation that the story of the princess who is the protagonist. Princess Jasmine want to go exploring, in the Aladdin Magic Lamp to the help of a new world; look forward to Snow White's Prince Charming finally came to her side; Cinderella's pumpkin took the gold car in the ball court; Prince, after many tests, Sleeping Beauty ... ... a wake-up when the Little Mermaid out, I think this is a plot to use the original version of the story, or change it. ---- From then on, is the outcome of the prince and princess have a happy life ... ... Mulan think on the inside or play some far-fetched, may be considered with Chinese elements, of course it's also doing very well designed, simple martial arts moves very Oriental flavor.
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