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La Dame aux camélias

[Francesco Maria Piave's libretto for La traviata is based upon the novel La Dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The following article traces the creation of that work. - NMR]

Alexandre Dumas, fils (son), born in Paris in 1824, is considered one of the foremost French dramatists of the nineteenth century. He was the illegitimate son of Alexandre Dumas, pére (father), the author of such novels as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers.

Dumas was raised by his seamstress mother, Catherine Labay, until his father legally recognized him and assumed responsibility for his care. He attended college but left before receiving a degree. His illegitimacy caused him much unhappiness, both in private school and in college where he had few friends. At age seventeen, he moved in with his father, soon adopted his extravagant lifestyle and fell into debt. At the theatre one evening he first saw Marie Duplessis, already famous in the demimonde for her beauty and ability to get men to spend money on her. In an episode reflected in the opera, he was at her home one day when a coughing episode resulted in her spitting up blood. He urged her to change her way of life, but she replied, "I should die. This life of excitement is what keeps me alive". He offered the kind of life she would need to get well, and she finally agreed upon the condition. "You are not to spy on me, you are not to ask questions; I shall live exactly as I please without giving you any account of what I do." Thus began liaison, as a result of which Dumas was soon deeply in debt. Finally, he decided he must break with her and sent her the following letter.

My dear Marie......
La Dame aux camélias

[Francesco Maria Piave's libretto for La traviata is based upon the novel La Dame aux camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The following article traces the creation of that work. - NMR]

Alexandre Dumas, fils (son), born in Paris in 1824, is considered one of the foremost French dramatists of the nineteenth century. He was the illegitimate son of Alexandre Dumas, pére (father), the author of such novels as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers.

Dumas was raised by his seamstress mother, Catherine Labay, until his father legally recognized him and assumed responsibility for his care. He attended college but left before receiving a degree. His illegitimacy caused him much unhappiness, both in private school and in college where he had few friends. At age seventeen, he moved in with his father, soon adopted his extravagant lifestyle and fell into debt. At the theatre one evening he first saw Marie Duplessis, already famous in the demimonde for her beauty and ability to get men to spend money on her. In an episode reflected in the opera, he was at her home one day when a coughing episode resulted in her spitting up blood. He urged her to change her way of life, but she replied, "I should die. This life of excitement is what keeps me alive". He offered the
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