中国传统文化 英语翻译
答:试译如下,仅供参考:Chinese traditional culture(or China's traditional culture )1.From Generation to Generation. China's traditional culture has been interrupted in some short historical periods.More or less,it has changed in different historical periods,but on the whole it's one cultur...
2017-12-16 回答者: abcdefggj 5个回答 96
chinese culture翻译
答:chinese culture翻译是中国文化; 中华文化; 中国传统文化; 国文化。[例句]They spent a month steeping themselves in Chinese culture.他们花了一个月时间潜心钻研中国文化。下面给大家拓展一下关于“中华文化”的相关内容,让大家的民族自豪感不断增强。中华文化,或称中国传统文化、中华传统文化、华夏文化...
2023-01-04 回答者: 行走秒表 1个回答 1
答:传统文化的英文是traditional culture。traditional是形容词传统的的意思,culture是文化的意思,传统文化的英文是traditional culture。常见短语有以中国传统文化traditional culture of Chellona、中国传统文化特征Chinese traditional culture character、中国传统文化精神traditional culture and spirit of China。
2023-03-15 回答者: 出国留学在线 2个回答
中国传统文化翻译,我是该用Chinese traditional culture还是China...
问:中国的传统文化翻译,我是该用Chinese traditional culture还是China's ...
答:用Chinese,所有的中国的都用Chinese准没错,这道题你可以写成the traditional culture of China
2015-12-16 回答者: 粟裕哥哥 5个回答 3
哪位高手帮忙翻译英文: 中国五千年传统文化(或悠久历史)
答:中国五千年传统文化(或悠久历史)Chinese five-thousand-year traditional culture.传统文化 Chinese long history of five thousand years. 悠久历史 中国五千年历史和传统文化 Chinese five-thousand-year history and traditional culture.
2017-02-26 回答者: 一锅菜汤 7个回答 1
答:20。儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21。中国结:Chinese knotting 22。古装片:Costume Drama 23。武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24。元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25。越剧:Yue Opera 26。火锅:Hot Pot 27。江南:South Regions of the Yangtze River 28。《诗经》:The Book of ...
2020-10-08 回答者: 祝您每天开心 5个回答 1
答:traditional的英文翻译为:传统的。1、释义。adj.传统的;长期存在的;习俗的;遵循传统的;惯例的;根据传统而制造的;因袭的;具20世纪早期风格的。2、短语搭配。traditional culture 传统文化。traditional festival 传统节日;传统佳节;传统的节日。traditional custom 传统习俗。traditional habit 传统习惯。
2023-01-19 回答者: 小王肉乎乎 1个回答
答:中华优秀传统文化的英文:Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture。中华民族优良传统多如繁星,中华文化博大精深。中华传统文化:古文、古诗、词语、乐曲、赋、民族音乐、民族戏剧、曲艺、国画、书法、对联、灯谜、射覆、酒令、歇后语等。中华民族优良传统:赡老爱幼的家庭规范传统、与人为善的社会处世传统、广交...
2023-04-17 回答者: 新云网络科技HJ 1个回答
答:参考译文:The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other ...
2023-02-28 回答者: 沉默の289 1个回答
答:鱼的象征意义据说源于中国传统文化英语是: It is said that the symbolic meaning of fish derived from traditional Chinese culture.解析: “据说”翻译为 It is said that …,内容处理为“that”引导的主语从句,“源于”翻译为derive from。此处介绍鱼象征意义的历史,所以时态不再使用一般现在时...
2023-12-07 回答者: TCandy6 1个回答

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