答:It was not until Cai Lun improved his papermaking skills during the Eastern Han Dynasty that people began to use paper to make kites, known as "paper kites".其文化中国的风筝已有二千多年的历史。从传统的中国风筝上到处可见吉祥寓意和吉祥图案的影子。在漫长的岁月里,我们的祖先不仅创造...
2021-09-17 回答者: 郑同学是樱丸子 3个回答 7
风筝中国古代的一项发明,至今已有两千多年的历史。 英语作文
答:Common practice is generally used kitebamboo frame, made ???of paper meBamboo is the main material for makikite frame. 3-5 cm thickness selected bamboo whittled bamboo, bamboo toughness to make kites using the ske According to their preferences skeletomade ???of a variety of kit...
2014-11-01 回答者: 雷电爱的紫罗马 1个回答 4
答:潍坊风筝节是中国最大的一个国际风筝节之一 Weifang is known throughout the world as one of China’s three major kite-making schools along with Beijing and Tianjin. Unmatched artisanship and diverse subject matter that draws heavily from local folk life to characterize Weifang Kite. Since...
2017-11-26 回答者: 觉觉fan 1个回答 50
答:are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society,flying kite become to be a world wide sport. The most famous kite flying city in China is Weifang cit y in Shandong provience,every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites....
2016-04-01 回答者: 是你的天枰 2个回答 21
答:attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists to watch kite, athletic, and sightseeing. Tourists arrived in weifang advisable prior to April 20.风筝节的举办时间 潍坊国际风筝节是风筝运动最有影响力的活动,每年举办一次。 潍坊国际风筝节是一年一度的...
2017-11-25 回答者: 摄影专业指导 1个回答 39
答:With a kite-making history of 600 years, Weifang is known throughout the world as one of China’s three major kite-making schools along with Beijing and Tianjin. Unmatched artisanship and diverse subject matter that draws heavily from local folk life characterize Weifang Kite. Since ...
2009-05-21 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 37
一篇100字的 风筝英语作文
答:I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my ...
2014-10-18 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 6
答:But first,we must make a kite,maybe it's difficult for us!But don't worry,we can do it by our friends or parents!In this year,I made a kite with my friends,but first I didn't know how to make it,than I asked my parents how to do that,my father telled me that ...
2014-11-08 回答者: 余温灬散尽 1个回答 1
答:(3) 风筝骨架结扎完成后,接下来的就是把彩绘的纸糊在上面。我在纸上画了 一个孙悟空,爸爸把孙悟空涂上颜色后,就把风筝骨架用胶水粘在画有孙悟空的彩纸上。Kite making Material: bamboo (bamboo and bamboo interval must be straight to long), cardboard, line (including control's lines)...
2011-12-19 回答者: 没有被子好冷 2个回答 46
风筝为话题 写英语作文70字 配中文翻译 谢谢
问:求原创 谢谢
答:放风筝 八月、九月、十月是放风筝的季节,因为这时的风是朝西北方向刮。在这几个月里,蓝色的天空中有许多美丽的风筝在飞翔。一天放学时,我的同桌秦波叫我陪他到草地上去放风筝。我好久没放风筝了,所以我答应了他。当我五点钟到那时,我发现他正在等我。许多男孩正在向高空中放风筝。当他们发现...
2016-02-15 回答者: cn#BVuuLQkVfQ 1个回答 8

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