问:1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。 2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放...
答:If only she were with me.
2009-03-24 回答者: pipilu16888 5个回答 12
答:The director of luck WangGongMei in daily work, always carry a small notepad. She often picked up a pen to inside make some records, when leisure open notebook to browse. Small notebook, WangGongMei why regard as treasure? Turn over the notebook, inside detailed records the h...
2012-09-22 回答者: 海绵宝宝祢很二 4个回答
问:二、学生在课外学习英语的途径 课改后,学生有了更多的课外时间可以学习...
答:the classmate of great majority has already known English of importance, and be aware of English in the function in the daily life very big, can shape the person's thoughts and feelings,
2008-01-08 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
答:Such is life, so wonderful, so ashamed, and so joyful. Let us look back, look into the future, and let us confront the shinny life with our smiles!
2008-11-10 回答者: 维奥列特 6个回答
答:It is wanhu in Ming Dynasty in China who was the first in the world to fly to the sky. He lived in late of 14th century as a carpenter in the begininng, used to work for A General named Banbei. He worked hard, favored by Banbei. Later Banbei was killed for offending...
2014-04-02 回答者: l6161y 2个回答 1
答:does not feel that learning is a kind of burden, and even to solve a difficulty forget all about eating and sleeping. Interest is the study power, students are interested in learning, learning materials to reflect the they are the most clear, the most positive thinking activity is...
2011-06-11 回答者: 1440534507 5个回答 7
答:Research on both the project and market with an on-the-spotinvestigation to ensure a smooth progress based on the features of the project .对公司车辆使用情况进行数据整理、分析,核算成本及完成成本报告Consolidate and analyze the data about the usage of vehicles of the company .Then ...
2008-10-30 回答者: chenqiuyan1984 3个回答
答:In China, more and more married women choose to be housewives.造成这一现象的原因主要有:the phenomena is mainly coused by the following reasons.首先,盲目地效仿日本。First, they follow the examples of the housewives blindly.其次,家庭主妇非常的轻松,不用做很多事,回报远远大于付出。Se...
2012-03-27 回答者: 龙20974 1个回答
问:摘要: 汽车的发展,种类都非常之丰富,近几年来,汽车有着自己独立的运...
答:Chinese little automobile enterprises to develop their own design concept car. One of the main reasons is the lack of China's automobile design concepts and methods and do not pay enough attention to the concept vehicle R & D. Can say, an independent design and development of the...
2013-12-13 回答者: 午夜伤口 2个回答
问:一.压力与我们同在 心理压力将成为21世纪最严重的健康问题之一。在日常...
答:Ten encountered in life stress killer as:1 death of relatives 2 jail 3 Divorce 4 major personal health and disease killed 5 career hit 6 major change in family health 7 out of work 8 fiscal deficit 9 children leave home 10 quarrel with spouse Two. Understanding of pressure 1 ...
2011-11-18 回答者: Meiqi1313 3个回答

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