问:我已经不恨了,因为曾经那么爱过,我原谅了,因为我已经释然了, 告诉自己,...
答:Tell yourself to be a leveret, but acutally you are not anybody but yourself 那些个回忆不过是一场梦.梦醒了,就要一个人继续的走下去,These memories are nothing but a dream. When being awaken you must go on with your life by your own 期待的那个美好,一定会在某一天,再次出现!!Th...
2010-08-23 回答者: evermona 3个回答 2
问:你好,很高兴认识你。 非常商兴能与您通电话。 不好意思,去电话打扰您...
答:I am very sorry, my English is not good, you say I have some I do not understand. Can the trouble you have just mentioned in E-mail or fax made it?我们能用贸易通聊吗?We can Tradelink better?这种球含税价每个15元人民币。This ball tariff price of each 15 yuan.请放心,...
2006-04-27 回答者: 水域麒麟 2个回答 1
问:发翻译网站给我的 或者跑去英文翻译网翻译的 靠边站谢谢,! 翻译以下: ⒈...
答:6. I get up at 8 o'clock every morning. Then I learn English in cram school and during the rest time, i like surfing the Internet. We are in different time zone. If you know well of geography, you need to notice different time in different countries....
2008-07-18 回答者: awayuki 7个回答 1
答:Hello, I am writing to follow up on my tuition refund. Last time we talked you said you would promptly return my call to supply me with an answer, However, a week went by and I have not received any response. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.说...
2011-01-16 回答者: gulaoyes 5个回答
把这段话翻译成 英文
问:(1) 我只是一朵蔷薇.每天都在不停的向上爬.为的只是让他能够注意到我. (...
答:(1) I am just a rose.'s Non-stop every day to climb.'s Only for him to note that I am.我只是一朵蔷薇.每天都在不停的向上爬.为的只是让他能够注意到我.(2) also rose petals wither.蔷薇的花瓣也有凋谢的时候.1. Approaching death only when the moment know that you can love...
2008-10-18 回答者: 吹水小燕 6个回答
答:不过叫我放弃眼前这个机会实在是很困难,所以我还是依旧递上了申请表。It is obvious that I will the take the College English Test 4 in June, but it is difficult for me to give the opportunity in front of my eyes, so I will still hand in my application table....
2008-02-16 回答者: 风中玉笛 4个回答
问:是买房合同里的两段话 1.逾期在90日之内(含90日),或逾期超过90日但未...
答:第一段翻译为:Within 90 days overdue (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: to be paid from the agreed expiry date until the actual day full payment should be the date of payment, buy...
2010-07-24 回答者: jssylhzz 5个回答
答:是市场经济发展的必然要求,也是打造服务型政府的需要。The government functions transformation is an inevitable need of the market economy development and also Is required to build a service-oriented government 已用人手精心精工替你翻译了过来,希望会对你有帮助,并望满意采纳,谢谢
2012-10-26 回答者: 曾志揚 7个回答
答:hope the teacher don't be angry, even though everyone is wrong, but still in our class is a unity of class, I also believe that after this matter, we become more united. It also taught me to strictly abide by the discipline, and to trust each other between classmates, trus...
2013-12-16 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
问:千万不要用有道。。翻译地顺口些,谢了!! 尊敬的校长: 您好!我是高...
答:Dear headmaster,I am a student of High class one five.I am very happy to talk something with you in writting.Because you are busy in public affairs,it is a valuable opportunity to meet you .now I want to offer my two suggestions.Firstly,the study time should be relaxed....
2013-01-28 回答者: 徐场2011 4个回答

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