答:英语书信作文万能 篇1 祝贺信 Dear ___ ,①I have learned with delight that you ___(祝贺事由). ②I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on ___. ③You must be ___. ④And I feel very happy for you.⑤ ___(所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news! ⑥I ...
2022-07-05 回答者: 崔毛毛丫154 1个回答
答:Love,Li Ming 译文:亲爱的史密斯先生和夫人:我现在安全健康地回到了中国。通过这封信,我想表达我对于您二位和你们可爱的孩子们衷心的感谢,感谢您对我纽约之行的热情招待。你们的慷慨和对我的关心使我此行更加愉快,而我的第一次美国之行也因此变成了美好的回忆。我非常希望你们能在将来访问中国,...
2017-11-21 回答者: 猫萌萌21 4个回答 13
答:初中 英文书信 范文 篇1 Dear friend, 亲爱的朋友, Hello, I'm your new friend. My name is [ename]Bob[/ename]. I'm fifteen. I'm American. I live in New York. 你好,我是你的新朋友。我的名字叫鲍勃,我十五岁,是美国人,我住在纽约。 I am a middle school student. I'm good at maths...
2022-07-12 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:英文感谢信 范文 1 Directions:Suppose you were taken good care of by Mr. Rogers, a friend of your father’s, when you visited London the week before. Write a letter to Mr. Roger to express your gratitude in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end o...
2022-07-19 回答者: Mio丶315 1个回答
答:关于英语作文投诉信1 Dear Manager,Now I am writing to tell you that I bought a TV set from your shop several days ago. But when I brought it home and turned it on, I found it didn’t work properly. So I took it back to the shop and told the assistant what had ...
2022-05-27 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答
答:英文书信作文常用句型 一、感谢信 (A Letter of Thanks)1. Thank you so much for .2. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for 3. I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for 4. I’m grateful to you for 5. I truly appreciate your 6. ...
2022-10-05 回答者: 廉夏兰 1个回答
答:1、感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。范文如下:DearProfessor Liang,I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now astudent of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.Last...
2019-10-03 回答者: 何绪尧 23个回答 717
答:感谢信英语作文100词1 Dear Mary,I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty。 You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other。Last week, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home...
2022-06-03 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:模板 Dear ___,①I am truly sorry that ___道歉的原因。②The reason is that ___介绍原因。③Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 篇2 Dear Mr Wang,I, the undersigned, am...
2022-10-17 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
答:英语作文感谢信范文一:Dear Mum and Dad How are you doing? How time flies。I am now a senior three student ,enjoying many successes as well as going through a number of failures,which shows that I have really grown up.Whenever I am thinking of these,I can’t help ...
2022-07-10 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答

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