问:you've tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success you want it all a...
答:You’ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜 You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此 You’ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力 You’ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个 This is the time...
2008-08-19 回答者: く谜の着信 7个回答
问:memories In this world you tried Not leaving me alone behind. There...
答:Memories 回忆 In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着 Not leaving me alone behind 不会把我丢下 There’s no other way 除此没有其它的选择 I’ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上天让他留下 The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤痛 Now i know why...
2008-04-01 回答者: 1015suki 4个回答 4
问:Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign. Instead there is only sile...
答:Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign.迷失在黑暗之中,希望有点征兆 Instead there is only silence, 相反只有沉默,can't you hear my screams? 你能能见我的尖叫吗?Never stop hoping, 希望从来没有停止,Need to know where you are, 需要知道你在那里,but one thing is for sure, ...
2010-07-14 回答者: 咯哩李 2个回答 1
问:Into this universe,and whg not knowing, Nor whence,like willy flowi...
2006-09-26 回答者: QuesMark 3个回答
问:When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as t...
答:needs a very big mind.时间会教给你,学会宽恕,学会爱。而做到这些,需要一颗坚强的心。整合起来译文如下:年轻的时候,也许你很想有恋爱的体验,但是时间久了,你会意识到,如果真爱一个人,竭其一生恐怕都不足以表达对她的爱。时间会教给你,学会宽恕,学会爱。而做到这些,需要一颗坚强的心。
2010-01-10 回答者: girlcat 7个回答 12
问:Clean the container, reservoir or pit and protect it against furthe...
答:并通过在储料罐或水槽前面安装溢流墙来防止它被弄脏。”这句话关键是container, reservoir、pit三个词的翻译,container可以是装任何东西的容器,reservoir偏重于装液体,句中将pit和reservoir用or连结,显然pit也应该是装液体的。再结合下你所说的专业,所以我翻译如上,未必精确,但自认为尚算合理。
2012-08-13 回答者: binlu_v 4个回答
问:Unfortunately we are unable to offer Midasbuy service to you at thi...
答:很遗憾地通知你,我们这一回无法提供给你需要的Midasbuy (游戏网络平台)服务。
2021-02-15 回答者: wujoseph 5个回答 2
2014-10-10 回答者: 欧阳依雪3 1个回答
答:〔来源〕这是歌曲《R.O.D.》中的部分英文歌词。〔说明〕《R.O.D.》是韩国男生实力偶像团体BigBang队长G-DRAGON个人单曲。收录于个人正规2辑《COUP D'ETAT》,发行于2013年09月13日。〔翻译〕本部分歌词翻译如下:You got me losing my mind 你让我失去了理智 The way you got me fired up ...
2018-01-20 回答者: googolplexplex 5个回答 7
问:I must apologize. As my shipper prepared to ship your model 165 lig...
答:而且我们也就只剩下这唯一的一双了. 我试着从亚马逊以及其他制造商那弄到同款替代品, 但是我最终发现浅蓝色雷鸟软皮鞋已经停产了.Not being able to deliver an order to my customer is unacceptable to me and I would personally like to make this right for you. I propose to refund you i...
2014-04-04 回答者: assistant121 3个回答 1

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