问:Although I have known her for nearly two weeks! Now I have known sh...
2010-08-11 回答者: 图腾领主 5个回答 7
问:I must apologize. As my shipper prepared to ship your model 165 lig...
答:Again I apologize for this problem.再一次抱歉.
2014-04-04 回答者: assistant121 3个回答 1
问:Sun in the sky. Thees upon the Ground. Our bodies aer from the Eart...
答:谢谢给上帝在上面在天堂方面为 Kuruta 的土地
2007-08-08 回答者: 々雅萱々 2个回答
2014-12-18 回答者: librazhuo 5个回答
问:you've tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success you want it all a...
答:You’ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力 You’ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个 This is the time you’ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻 Forever friends永远的朋友 In harmony和谐无间 As the whole world joins and sees全世界都...
2008-08-19 回答者: く谜の着信 7个回答
问:The idea that you can ship someone in from another country to run a...
答:run a police force 是去管理 去领导的意思 Different culture Different environment 是 不同的文化和环境的意思 这句话可以简单的理解为 【让一个人去管理另外一个陌生的专业是非常愚蠢的】这句话也就是在描述一个人用人不当 好比让一个学医学专业的去管理金融 PS:Google 英语翻译 挺准的 ...
2011-09-04 回答者: stukiyo 9个回答 1
问:Dancing in the dark, middle of the night Taking your heart and hold...
答:I'm stronger than ever, I'm happy and free 我似乎好过任何一个时候,无比快乐和自由 Oh, it's a beautiful thing 哦这感觉多么美妙 Don't think I can keep it all in 别以为我能承受地了 I just gotta let you know 我只想让你了解 What it is that won't let me go 是什么让...
2008-06-18 回答者: 7月3日晴 3个回答 2
问:I look at you Please don’t walk away I see you’re about toThere is ...
答:大概就是这个意思了 我按你的句子来翻译的 后来我百度了一下 原来这是一首歌词!!挪威女歌手SISSEL在《All good things》专辑中的一首歌《Should it matter》参考资料:http://bbs.rsdown.cn/read-htm-tid-166479.html
2009-12-07 回答者: fengyx415 4个回答
问:合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christm...
答:our dear parents!谢谢我们亲爱的家长们给我们的礼物 合: Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you...今天我们聚在一起庆祝我们的圣诞节, 让我们期待下次的相聚。 再次说声圣诞快乐。 再见。。。
2010-12-15 回答者: m53855354 5个回答 4
问:Tim:Look at these photos from last year. Koko:I was short. Pat:Kim ...
答:Iliked to exerise.我喜欢运动。I was strong. 我很强壮。Pat:Bob didn't like to exerise.He was weak. BOB不喜欢运动。他那时很弱。Koko:Candy exercised a lot.CANDY运动很多。 She was fast.她跑步快。Pat:I didn't exercise very ofthen.我那时不怎么运动。I was slow. 我跑步慢。
2008-09-09 回答者: Spring_ivy 4个回答 22

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