答:英语:Having some snack with friends.
2018-05-11 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答 3
答:我要去吃饭了的英文:I'm going to dinner dinner 读法 英 ['dɪnə] 美 ['dɪnɚ]n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐 短语:cooking dinner 做饭 annual dinner 周年晚宴;公司年会 have a dinner 进餐,吃饭 gala dinner 晚宴 cook dinner 做饭;做晚饭 buffet dinner n. 自...
2019-03-16 回答者: 心之王者3 14个回答 8
...也是我的室友,我们有着共同的爱好者,喜欢一起去逛街吃东西,一_百 ...
答:英语翻译,我的朋友罗海燕,她是我的同桌也是我的室友,我们有着共同的爱好者,喜欢一起去逛街吃东西,一起去玩,喜欢打乒乓球,我很喜欢她 my friend is luhaiyian,she is my destmate and roommate; we have the same hobbies such as ,go shopping,play together,we all like playing ...
2016-07-01 回答者: gjldian 3个回答
答:餐厅可能意指下列事物:餐馆(Restaurant),一种提供餐饮服务的店铺;饭厅(Dining Room),一种住宅建筑中通常会看到的房间/设施,有时会与厨房或客厅相连。指供吃饭用的大房间。一般指大旅馆、车站、机场等附设的营业性食堂,有时用做大饭馆的名称。赵树理《张来兴》:“要会餐了,招待所长廊式的餐厅...
2019-09-27 回答者: HGYYYQX9 42个回答 729
请问 我去吃饭了! 英语怎么说啊?
答:“我去吃饭了!”的英文是:"I'm going to eat!" 或者 "I'm having dinner!"在将中文句子“我去吃饭了!”翻译成英文时,我们首先要理解原句的含义和上下文。这个句子通常表示某人即将去吃饭,可能是在日常对话中告知他人自己的下一步行动。在英文中,表达相同意思的句子可以...
2024-04-09 回答者: 文暄生活科普 1个回答
答:I get along/on with my roommates very well 希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~
2017-07-19 回答者: Chenzytom 4个回答 2
2011-05-16 回答者: あ氷藍 2个回答
大家帮忙用英语翻译一下 谢谢!
答:Every morning at 7:00 I will get up on time, the morning went to the 7:30! Xishu walk to the restaurant after eating breakfast. 8:10 to classrooms, 11:50 class, most of the lunch is to eat in the restaurants, sometimes Liren many restaurants will be outside dining. I ...
2008-06-10 回答者: luo5760179 4个回答 1
答:we should not think that 10 little words, as long as you insist on 10 soon will become thousands. It is also very important, and that is : applications, such as a meal, washing dishes, chat, Internet, wash, washed, laundry, domestic chores when recording and can be open to...
2007-07-02 回答者: 0o瞧咱这名字 1个回答 2
问:I usually get up at six-thirty in the early morning. And then I was...
2009-02-09 回答者: crh0072003 3个回答 2

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