答:常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?
2007-05-10 回答者: hjx1991711 7个回答
问:1.wanna 2.nanny 3.It sound so exciting what the nanny does. 4.I don...
答:1.wanna 2.nanny 3.It什么令人兴奋的声音,使保姆的。 4.I不想被粗鲁,但将你! 5.Don ' T是这样一个混蛋。 6.I '米才能看到自己的前男友现在。 7.I不知道的意思是让你到这一点。 8.details 9.I认为你拥有一切你想要的。 10.Please保存为自己的问题,漂亮的女巫。 11.mirror 12.Finall...
2009-06-19 回答者: 378856171 6个回答
答:麻烦您帮我翻译一下,谢谢 的英语是 Please translate it for me ,thank you .
2016-10-07 回答者: yujihanyuyang 2个回答
问:Dear Sirs, Please kindly find attached photos of a head lamp of Maz...
答:我们中国外文局翻译资格考评中心作为全国翻译资格水平考试的具体实施和组织单位,近期邀请全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试专家委员会的部分专家谈翻译考试,向考生介绍有关翻译考试的大纲、模块设置、题型、如何备考等相关问题。 【考试情况概要介绍】2003年3月人事部制定下发了《翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》和《二级、三级...
2006-07-05 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
问:1.我怎样都学不会放开 2.你们太现实,我紧跟不上 3.她说的没错,不要刻...
答:10.就像梦境那样,你真的突然消失了,再也没出现过,我多么希望这仍然是个梦,但是却是如此真实 Just like dreams, you really have disappeared and will never appear again. How I wish this is still just a dream but it is so real.11.下好大雨,刮很大风,好冷,甚至有点分不清方向了 ...
2013-02-28 回答者: 曾志揚 3个回答
各位好心的知识分子。帮我翻译一下英文啊 。重谢
答:Dear Min,(亲爱的敏)I miss you so much in the days when you are away. (你不在的日子,我真的真的好想你哦)I will love you at the rest of my life.(我会爱你一辈子)Promise me never leave me alone.(答应我永远不要离开我)...
2007-04-10 回答者: steedmichael 9个回答 2
答:It is important to make the right impression-- not the wrong one -- from the very first day.从第一天就留下个好印象——而不是坏印象——是十分重要的。1. First impressions can last forever. Make sure you make a good one.1.第一次印务将会永磨不去,所以你要留下个好的印象。W...
2009-11-01 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
答:5. You have a friend like you, like the English teacher? «It to you to let me talk about my school English teacher Kelly bar. Lelly is a 25-year-old female teacher, she was A beautiful curly hair. She likes to laugh and the story, we like her.6. Approaching ...
2008-08-19 回答者: y7436079 6个回答 1
问:对不起 因为在我国宋朝的时候把造纸术传给了你们 使你们的文化传播开了 ...
答:It's because we chinese people in Song Dynasty told you how to make paper 使你们的文化传播开了 That your culture spred and 使你们没有经过社会主义而直接到了资本主义 that you skipped from scocialism tocapitalism.对不起 Don't be so proud,因为我们把指南针传给了你们 It's we who ...
2008-04-26 回答者: stormsue 4个回答
问:英语不好 恳请高手帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢~ 1.像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前...
答:In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。She was scared and speechless for several ...
2007-07-03 回答者: Rome奥古斯都 5个回答

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