问:I never needed a friend Like I do now What I thought was a dream An...
答:I walked awa 我走了
2008-05-13 回答者: 早稻田的家 6个回答
答:we are floating people to take the bull by the horns, forge ahead, with " love you," patience and responsibility, to create excellent unique school spirit and style of study,
2011-11-18 回答者: 有话早早说 2个回答
答:although I need whold life to forget,it's fine,because I Love You.
2008-10-02 回答者: hemeng1141 6个回答 2
答:most internal parts of the terminal equipment and the most complex linkages between the various components equipment. Automatic ticket vending machine to achieve a self-help of passengers, significantly reducing manual ticketing by human consumption, caused by manual operation to avoid unnecess...
2011-05-20 回答者: 食脑者の牙齿 2个回答 2
问:请大家帮我把下面这段中文翻译成英文,初中英语课外练习。谢谢!! 本月...
答:国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如何收回抛弃年迈老人的承命吧。”国王听从了儿子的话。 The king was pleased, the king said: "You know it's really a lot of young people, you say what you want, I will ...
2010-06-16 回答者: DNCF123 4个回答 1
问:I couldn't sleep last night There was something on my mind I lay th...
答:昨晚我彻夜难眠 There was something on my mind 因为有心事 I lay there wishing in the dark 我躺在一团黑暗中祈愿 Someone could tell me why 希望有人能可以告诉我 If you love somebody from the bottom of your heart 如果你打从心底爱上一个人 Why do you hurt each other 为什么(相爱...
2007-08-02 回答者: nanoSec 2个回答
2014-04-05 回答者: Ps深夜买醉 2个回答
问:内 容 摘 要 随着科学技术进步与发展,尤其是微电子与计算机控制技术的...
答:besides considering complete system work needed to control function, but also it is quite necessary to consider machine electric component itself fault automatic identification and treatment, this paper mainly introduces the use of PLC in vertical lathe, the equipment maintenance, use and sa...
2011-01-04 回答者: 倒霉鬼88 3个回答 2
哪位好心人帮我翻译英文 很急 不要电脑翻译的 要人工的 很急 谢谢...
答:there has been no form system of the social responsibility accounting theory and practical business system. Therefore, this paper studies the social responsibility accounting information disclosure in the present situation of and problems existing in Chinese enterprises, find out now social res...
2011-04-30 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
答:China enters the 21st century, suffered on the first day of sandstorms. 2002, dust storms is also the history of the greatest intensity. It can be predicted that in future a certain period of time, dust storms will become more frequent and more severe. According to reports, the...
2008-06-07 回答者: 洒男孩 2个回答 1

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模 式