问:GROUPWQRK: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 01 Can the referee send off an pla...
答:06攻一身独自对手一半(除with1he反对守门员)接到球从一个目标--揭开 对队友搭档. 他控制球,得分dribbles和目标. 07点开球球行驶距离只有2场以对手抵治 选手以开球又踢了保释. 决定? 08多少次被告诫球员可以在同一比赛,因不当? 09是否允许采取惩罚踢间接? 0010时扔在球员又把球只用一只手. 一队友...
2007-04-03 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:LAW 14 PENALTY- KICK After the referee has given the signal fo a pe...
答:8. 攻击者越入罚球区,守门员也移动上前 用叉号或者对勾标记出正确答案 1.Goal Retake Retake Retake Retake 2.Retake Advantag Advantag Ind.freekick Advantag 3.Goal Retake Retake Retake Retake 4.Retake 5.Retake 6.Retake Advantag Advantag cornerkick Ind.freekick 7.Ind.freekick...
2007-04-04 回答者: 禁入空间 1个回答
答:Nowadays, all parts of our country are opening to the outside. It's an easy thing to meet foreigners either on a street or in a mall. Our middle-school students are the pillar of our country, and also the reflection of people's quality. But to students who are busy with ...
2012-03-07 回答者: 京北高速 4个回答
问:yes no Retake Play on md. free-kick defending team 0 penalty-kick o...
答:重新 以0无目标,目标目标踢00无目标,夺回0无目标,走 基地要踢1500没有好的球有着特殊颜色? 0160没有好的角落踢! 球直接得分为对手的目标. 它是一个目标? 截至17球什么时候才能扭转他的决定是错? 18罚则踢! 篮板球球从目标后,球员直接把球在地上踢网. 决定? 19如何间接表明了裁判员自由踢? ...
2007-04-03 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
问:To a leaf You're swaying in your perch, nearly falling down,with su...
答:You're swaying in your perch,你在那树端高处摇曳 nearly falling down,with subtle wind.几乎要随悄然微风飘荡而落 Longing to tell the sincerest words,渴望着要诉出我最真挚的话语 but words itself seem to be blank and fragile.但这语言本身却...
2010-08-28 回答者: delexte 3个回答
问:合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christm...
答:our dear parents!谢谢我们亲爱的家长们给我们的礼物 合: Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you...今天我们聚在一起庆祝我们的圣诞节, 让我们期待下次的相聚。 再次说声圣诞快乐。 再见。。。
2010-12-15 回答者: m53855354 5个回答 4
答:Along with the continuously develop of the economy level, people's consumption,mode of production is gradually diverse, city life garbage of the creation also increases increasingly.在众多的城市生活垃圾处理方法里,生活垃圾堆肥法不失为一个很好的处理方法。Live the garbage fertilizer method ...
2007-05-13 回答者: aidehouzi 3个回答
问:N A M E: COUNTRY: REFEREE-EXAMINATION 1 At the kick-off the ball is...
答:00无目标的目标,夺回0无目标, 目标2踢间接自由球奖20个队的进攻面前Y的对手目标. 裁判不该手臂. 一芽球直入攻击目标没有任何对手球选手感人. 决定? 00无目标的目标,夺回0无目标,目标要踢3球有着特殊颜色? 040没有好的角落踢! 球直接得分为对手的目标. 它是一个目标? 直至500没有什么好的时刻...
2007-04-03 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答
答:Fushan middle school is a glorious tradition of historical, is a remote rural schools.But over the past eighty years, we are floating people to take the bull by the horns, forge ahead, with " love you," patience and responsibility, to create excellent unique school spirit and ...
2011-11-18 回答者: 有话早早说 2个回答
问:下面这一段英文,谁帮我翻译一下? Beware the beares of false gifts &...
答:以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there 在外面(的世界)那里有好的 We opose deception 我们反对欺骗 Con...
2010-08-28 回答者: jlhuang_05 9个回答 4

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