问:be the change you wish to see in the world.
答:2012-02-17 谁来帮我翻译一下这句英文! 2015-12-07 谁来帮我翻译一下这句话,急急急!!! 2014-09-02 谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这句话?谢谢 2013-11-18 谁来帮我翻译一下这段英文 2011-10-12 谁来帮我句子翻译一下英文,,, 2012-01-20 谁来帮我翻译一下这段英文? 2011-06-09 谁来帮我翻译...
2009-03-17 回答者: dave41 7个回答
问:Major Responsibility * Responsible for daily office routine work, s...
答:协助管理员,为公司客货车及其他设备的预订 负责管理和维修的会议室一样,投影机设置,水和文件前置等。确保平稳运行和维修办公设备,手机,打印机,复印机,传真机等。管理办公室资产和监督清洁办公室清洁 每月出勤记录及邮件纪录 其他办公室行政支援指派 能力与技巧 良好的书面和英语口语,扎实的技能对...
2008-03-17 回答者: grase288 4个回答 1
问:You rock,don't ever change,and,only,I really mean it. We've been be...
答:We've been best friends for as long as I can remember.自我记事起我们一直都是好朋友。We've shared everything together and so I feel I should finally share this with you.我们曾经一起分享一切,因此我觉得自己最终还是和你分享这个比较好。I really, really like you a lot and I ...
2009-08-22 回答者: millionarehuan 5个回答 1
答:Product name: Multivariant Xiu protects skin of eye part cream frost suitable for use: The black eye socket , eye bag , corner of the eye lines, resist to become fagged. Component: Green melon extracts cream , transparent sour sodium of quality , vitamin plain B5 , the sea ...
2009-07-11 回答者: 挽秋阁主 8个回答
问:不好意思,这么久才能上交出差报告。 请查看附件,谢谢。 就这样交给经...
答:Dear Marc:I believe that what you told you about your current condition is true.I had read your letter several times.I'm thinks carefully,yeah,your conditions do make me surprise.Now I have to figure out that if you persist of divorce.Does your wife agree?How long has it be...
2020-06-19 回答者: 理文毓小凝 6个回答
答:莉莎:是啊,我也觉得我坐着不动太久了.Mandy: I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.曼迪:我想你应该躺下来休息一下,如果明天你的头和脖子还疼的话,然后去看医生。Lisa:oK. Thanks, Mandy.莉莎:好。谢谢你,曼迪。
2021-03-02 回答者: 爱喝水的百里 3个回答 2
答:The production schedule is fetching the important function of guiding supply, balanced production, the accurate and effective production schedule help the supply chain cost and coordination with high efficiency, low of enterprises to operate. 生产计划是一种战术性计划,主要是为了满足市场需求...
2007-05-25 回答者: wg_167187 2个回答
问:When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as t...
答:When you are young, you may want several love experiences.年轻的时候,也许你很想有恋爱的体验。But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough.但是时间久了,你会意识到,如果真爱一个人,竭其一生恐怕都不足以表达对她的爱。Y...
2010-01-10 回答者: girlcat 7个回答 12
帮我翻译一下这一小段英文 谢了~ 急用 在线等
问:hello i read your mail and i was smilling because you always make m...
答:ask me when replying me.我的善解人意让我很有人缘.如果你觉得我在信中遗漏了什么请在回信中指出.pls i will like you to send me your picture pls.i will like to see your beautiful face pls i love u 请寄给我一张你的照片.我很想看看你美丽的面庞.我爱你 take care 保重 ...
2007-07-20 回答者: 非龙儿 5个回答
问:下面这一段英文,谁帮我翻译一下? Beware the beares of false gifts &...
答:以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there 在外面(的世界)那里有好的 We opose deception 我们反对欺骗 Con...
2010-08-28 回答者: jlhuang_05 9个回答 4

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