答:Yeltsin is a Russian National nearly 300 years of history in the dark period of. Russia is taking a political center, preferential road of development of political reform. This road of development is that by the time the special historical conditions. Yeltsin is a Russian national in...
2012-02-29 回答者: 愛興晨同在 2个回答
2014-04-05 回答者: Ps深夜买醉 2个回答
请问谁能帮我翻译一下这段英文课文?急用!题目是《A student OF AFRICAN...
问:A student OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 545 am and the sun is just risi...
2010-04-03 回答者: mythlegendary 3个回答 22
答:of Shanghai, Shanghai, the none does not make open erudite state of mind of the internationalization metropolis.Shanghai of the new century has already become the modernization solemnly, internationalization, the specimen that vogue turn!我是一个在外国进修的英语老师,希望可以帮到你....
2007-11-29 回答者: kellclaskon 4个回答
答:The Marxism is the complete scientific system, it contains three main constituents: Marxist philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism.These three constituent is not each other separate, they constitute the organic whole which relates mutually.The Marxism is the proletariat knows ...
2008-12-16 回答者: 窝头和嘉乐 1个回答 1
答:Nowadays, the computer in business illustrations commonly in the application. No matter how advanced computer technology, stylist hand-drawn can better and faster express their design ideas, computer is always cannot replace hand-painted strong expressive. Design the core is a kind of ...
2011-03-29 回答者: 说————谎 4个回答
问:文章如下: DEAR JAZZ: 谢谢对HAPPINESS(公司的名字)的关注! 本公司是主...
答:我保证我的更加有条理!请把高分给我!以后有类似的问题都可以来找我!帮你帮到低!DEAR JAZZ:Thank you for your attention to Happiness!Our company is mainly for toy designs and sales. And we have built branches all over the world: China, the U.S.A., Germany, Korea, Japan, ...
2006-03-28 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 7
问:I must apologize. As my shipper prepared to ship your model 165 lig...
答:我也很为你处理好这个事情. 我承诺全额退款, 并且我会免费给你快递另外一款6.5寸的雷鸟牌鞋子(包邮). 如果你愿意, 我会给你开一个39.95美金的支票用于下次采购.Please let me know how you would like to proceed.请告诉我你的看法.Again I apologize for this problem.再一次抱歉....
2014-04-04 回答者: assistant121 3个回答 1
帮我这段翻译英文 急用 谢谢
问:我爱你 但我明白你不爱我 我知道自己是个丑女人 配不上你 但我希望你会...
答:回报)"。3. 含蓄:"从别人那里得到"幸福,转换成英文可以不用表达出来,否则画蛇添足,给人酸酸的味道反而破坏了整体的气氛铺陈和营造。"你不爱我"换个说法"我不是你喜欢的形"。4. 渐进铺陈营造的气氛。写给老中或老外男朋友都很适合喔~,如果是老外的话保证他会很感动~一.一~...
2010-05-03 回答者: dustin_1216 4个回答
答:With the rapid development of China's national economy and improve people's living standards, people are also more frequent travel, urban rail transit as an important and convenient way to travel more and more acceptance and choice. Urban Rail Transit also faces increasing transport ...
2011-05-20 回答者: 食脑者の牙齿 2个回答 2

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