答:Yale University was established in 1701, was a private university. It enjoys equal popularity with Harvard University, Princeton University, contends for the American university and the positions of the top three of graduate school together over the years. Professor's battle array of ...
2008-05-13 回答者: 千雪岛 3个回答
答:丽莎:我整个周末都在玩电脑游戏。Mandy: That's probably why, You need to take breaks away from the computer 曼迪:这可能就是原因了,你需要离开电脑休息一下。Lisa:Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.莉莎:是啊,我也觉得我坐着不动太久了.Mandy:...
2021-03-02 回答者: 爱喝水的百里 3个回答 2
2015-04-05 回答者: lifeEnglishman 49个回答 6
答:of Shanghai, Shanghai, the none does not make open erudite state of mind of the internationalization metropolis.Shanghai of the new century has already become the modernization solemnly, internationalization, the specimen that vogue turn!我是一个在外国进修的英语老师,希望可以帮到你....
2007-11-29 回答者: kellclaskon 4个回答
问:(The mionistry of USA entrusts The wasnington bank of America with ...
答:债券基金是受到美国财政部的执行morgenthanplan分配给每个下属银行在美国的时间表和未来的存款支付。财政部assignes华盛顿世界银行和下属银行现金利息资本成为waluce永远保证基金委员会的世界。Eigsh面值---第1篇的翻译。在DS doear boad 10000000美元支付的duplltake车票和六千点○○万---第2篇的翻译 ...
2009-01-10 回答者: 409882235 5个回答
问:自我介绍 大家好!我叫Helen,今年7岁,我一直不知道我是从哪儿来的,因...
答:"oh baby, your paiting is great. ","Your smile is so lovely","I like you reading English". However, she will shouting angryly at me "No, Helen!" if I am naughty. My dad always "save me" at that moment. He will say "Oh, she is a little girl. Our baby will not...
2012-08-08 回答者: cheny0610 4个回答
答:My dream is to become a wealthy man.Because wealthy man has lots money.They don’t worried everything such as wearing and eatting.Such a dream maybe very philistine. But only this,I can do things what i like to do .I can help the poor men to eat delicious food.Or I ...
2005-12-18 回答者: salvia0310 3个回答 1
答:Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...
2016-08-06 回答者: 想变美的鱼 19个回答 4
问:推销自己 我叫XXX.,是一个女孩,今年25岁,生于1981年。我现在一家保险...
答:My name is XXX, female, 25, born in the year 1981. I am now working in an insurance cooperation. I have a very pleasant childhood. After graduation, I tried to crave out myself, afterward I worked in a netbar . / internetbar. In order to improve and challenge myself I ...
2006-04-23 回答者: caichong416 2个回答
麻烦请帮我这段翻译英文 ,很急 ,不用翻译器
问:一 人道主义干涉合法论 劳特派特认为,如果一个国家犯有对本国人民施行...
答:一Humanitarian intervention legal theory Always the piper think, if a country of their own people convicted of brutal or persecution crimes, to deny their basic human rights and shock human conscience, so, for humanitarian intervention is the laws permit. Visible, always the piper think...
2011-02-10 回答者: 4694111 3个回答 18

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