问:Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater-specifically a ...
答:and they can appearently see moderately well both in water and in air.人们在阿根廷以及美国海岸线附近对鲸类进行了近距离水下研究,尤其是为期一年对圈养的灰鲸幼仔以及对自然环境中的白鲸和驼背鲸的录像研究表明,它们有明显的用视力追踪猎物的行为。它们在水中和空气中都可以看清物体。句子主干...
2016-03-19 回答者: 正达美 4个回答
问:这段话是 【阳光化作呼吸, 转瞬之间, 轻轻拂过。 呼吸化作私语, 回眸...
答:可以自己感受一下我的译文~ 相信我~邮箱要发什么?阳光化作呼吸 Sunshine hided in my breath 转瞬之间 In an instant 轻轻拂过 having kissed me on cheeks 呼吸化作私语 Breath turned to be whispers 回眸之间 In a glance 静静掠过。having slipped by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-...
2011-04-21 回答者: wangmumu1024 5个回答 2
问:Today I Will Multiply My Value Today I will multiply my value a hun...
答:正如下雨之前必须将敲打它的壳和苗芽,所以我必须有目标,在我的生命将结出硕果。在制定目标的时候会考虑我过去最好的表现,将它提高一百倍。这将是我未来生活标准。我绝不关注我的目标是不是太高,不如让我的枪瞄准月亮,击中一只鹰还是只击中一块石头好??不是机器翻译哦 ...
2011-04-14 回答者: shoubail 2个回答 3
答:there are more students of Tsinghua University Peking University and other famous universities admission, both inside and outside the province has produced important influence, our school was therefore known as the" holy land" study, the cradle of Champion"参考资料:baidu 在线翻译 ...
2011-11-18 回答者: 有话早早说 2个回答
问:As our customers here present offers to purchase various products, ...
答:当我们这里的客户提出购买各种产品的请求时,这些请求就会被转至这个办公室,然后从中国组织货源。员工的报酬包括工资和完成每一笔合同时相应的佣金。两句话看来是独立的,相互没有联系。the office应该从上文中判断具体含义,不外乎总部、区域总部、分拨中心或代表处一类的。source在这里指寻找货源的意思(...
2012-06-11 回答者: kevin5467 3个回答 1
答:conscious in history of feminine literature and affrims trailblazing contributions made by Jane Austen for the foundation of feminine writting traditions through analysis of these female characters and several male supporting roles.(哇哇翻译得我都要死掉了,楼主你不采纳我也没辙了~~~)...
2011-04-12 回答者: lotus兰雪莲 3个回答 13
问:You rock,don't ever change,and,only,I really mean it. We've been be...
答:We've been best friends for as long as I can remember.自我记事起我们一直都是好朋友。We've shared everything together and so I feel I should finally share this with you.我们曾经一起分享一切,因此我觉得自己最终还是和你分享这个比较好。I really, really like you a lot and I ...
2009-08-22 回答者: millionarehuan 5个回答 1
2013-09-08 回答者: Black_Lemon3 3个回答 1
问:不好意思,这么久才能上交出差报告。 请查看附件,谢谢。 就这样交给经...
答:Dear Marc:I believe that what you told you about your current condition is true.I had read your letter several times.I'm thinks carefully,yeah,your conditions do make me surprise.Now I have to figure out that if you persist of divorce.Does your wife agree?How long has it be...
2020-06-19 回答者: 理文毓小凝 6个回答
问:题目是:中西文化的渗透融合在历史发展进程中的特点 在人类发展史上,无...
答:Topic: the infiltration of Chinese and Western cultures in the history of integration in the development of the characteristics of In the history of human development, both large and small, strong or weak, and regardless of the length of the history of the establishment of countries,...
2008-05-05 回答者: zhouyusen 4个回答 1

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