问:帮我把下面这几段话翻译成英文啊! 你以前实习过么? 你在哪里实习的? ...
答:Have you ever had an internship before?你在哪里实习的?Where did you have your internship?实习期间你做过什么工作?What did you do for the internship?你有什么实习体会?1. How do you feel about the internship?2. Was the internship a good experience?你有什么爱好?简单的介绍一下。...
2007-10-11 回答者: 攸子行天涯 4个回答
问:帮我把下面这几段话翻译成英文啊! 你以前实习过么? 你在哪里实习的? ...
答:你有什么爱好?简单的介绍一下。What is your hobby? Could you please say something about it?/一般来说简单介绍一下都是说say something about 你属于那种性格的人?你觉得你的性格怎么样?What type of person you are?/What is your personality? What do you think of your personality?你...
2007-10-11 回答者: 凌风寒雪 8个回答
问:Dear Sirs, Please kindly find attached photos of a head lamp of Maz...
答:业内然后是篇:专家谈全国翻译专业资格考试 我们中国外文局翻译资格考评中心作为全国翻译资格水平考试的具体实施和组织单位,近期邀请全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试专家委员会的部分专家谈翻译考试,向考生介绍有关翻译考试的大纲、模块设置、题型、如何备考等相关问题。 【考试情况概要介绍】2003年3月人事部制定下发了《翻译...
2006-07-05 回答者: 知道网友 5个回答
答:1. I've been to Beijing.2. I have never been to Bangkok.3. They have their suitcases collated it?No, not yet.4. My father has been living in Shanghai for thirty years.5 he had already bought a book.6. They plan to be in Los Angeles two weeks.7. Tomorrow you plan...
2009-07-12 回答者: 让我来教你吧 4个回答 9
问:注意语法,非常感谢! 我是一名江苏广播电视大学08届应届毕业生,所学的...
答:I am a 08-Jiangsu Radio and Television University of fresh graduates, the school is a professional computer information management.In school, I qualified for the Mission branch secretaries for five years, I developed a good moral cultivation, for my future work of laying a solid ...
2008-09-08 回答者: 我无语0风亦无 1个回答
答:much here.I am looking forward to going far away becoming a traveler in other places,which make me not reluctant to leave.And I won't...May all the people who I love enjoy a happy life 希望你能满意我翻的!以后如还有翻译任务,希望我能很荣幸地再次你敲击键盘!谢了 ...
2010-08-22 回答者: Capashen 6个回答 5
问:Maybe two years later , we will grow up thoroughly , then we can un...
答:并且这些快乐的时光会在记忆中长存Thanks for the love you poured to me and all you did for me .谢谢你对我的爱和为我所做的一切 Maybe as you said , I am too childish and need to learn more about the complicated society . 也许就像你说的,我太幼稚,需要却学习更多的关于这个复杂...
2008-02-02 回答者: 没有翅膀の梦 16个回答 7
答:Price price is the soul of market economy, is the foundation of social stability; is the most basic economic variable of market economy, it is the main goal of macroscopical adjusting control. With the economic development of our country. Price of the relation to the problem of ...
2012-05-20 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答
在对的时间,对的地点,遇见对的人,做对的事情 <谁能帮我用英语翻译...
答:在对的时间,对的地点,遇见对的人,做对的事情的英文:At the right time, right place, meet the right people to do the right thing 其他短语表达:1、right here 就是这里 2、right on [俚]好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对 3、to the right 向右;在…右边 4、right time 恰好时...
2019-07-10 回答者: 心之王者3 7个回答 5
答:2、以中高端客户主,三星手机在中国以中高端市场为目标,采用市场导向定价、质量定价、声望定价等定价策略。三星根据中国手机消费者重视手机的品牌,地位,时尚设计等因素。确定了三星手机不是以产品成本为定价依据,而是以市场为导向。2, to the high-end customers in the main, Samsung mobile phone ...
2013-12-25 回答者: 於山菱 3个回答

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