问:1. 2006年十一国庆在太原贵都当玉兰油促销员,一周时间与同事相处融洽,...
答:1. 2006年十一国庆在太原贵都当玉兰油促销员,一周时间与同事相处融洽,经过大家共同的努力,最后给公司了带来巨大的效益,赢得店长的好评。1 2006 11 National Day when you were in taiyuan olay promoters, a week with co-workers, through the joint efforts of everyone, and finally to bring ...
2016-07-25 回答者: thm1974 5个回答 3
问:谁能帮忙翻译一下啊?非常感谢! “近年来,我国餐饮业的“服务营销”这一...
答:"In recent years, our restaurant" service marketing, "this new concept has gradually indoctrination into every catering operator's idea. Services marketing to its unique charm and function as well as the combination of restaurant, the restaurant will cause a big change. But China's ...
2010-11-21 回答者: heronghui159 3个回答 7
答:The vast Pacific Ocean, a treaty 2 m-long giant shark dragged on the fishing boats. Sailors come up with power saws, neatly amputated all its fins. Followed by "bang" is heard, sharks residual body was thrown into the sea, blood dyed the sea immediately. Be "live to take ...
2009-11-18 回答者: polang414 5个回答 7
答:我觉得在句子里用 found 不太对,搞得好像他们本来都失踪了似的。除了小王以外,其他人都到了。Everyone except Xiao Wang (Wang Xiao) was present.这样说比较正确点,希望对你有帮助—— ♥问题补充:我想他不知道答案。I think he doesn't know the answer.我上班的路上有人挥手要求搭车(...
2012-07-03 回答者: 雪水飘飘 7个回答 21
答:The Xihua normal university is Sichuan plans the construction higher undergraduate course pedagogical colleges and universities with emphasis, is located north the Jialing River middle reaches, eastern Sichuan province the economical cultural center city □□Nanchong city. The school created in ...
2006-12-09 回答者: 天网系统 1个回答 1
答:currently the price of chinese raw materials hikes very fast, it goes up a bit every 3 or 4 days.now the price of yarn has risen by48% to 50% relative to the price when July and August,and it's not the last price.What's more, raw materials with present price can ...
2010-11-15 回答者: kagakin 5个回答 10
答:常用翻译:0:你 1:一、要 2:饿、爱 3:生、thank、删 4:死、食、是、世 5:我、呜、无 6:了 7:去、吃、妻 8:拜、吧、不 9:就、酒 常见组合:51:我要 5555..:呜呜...520:我爱你 3q:thank you 74:去死 78:去吧、吃吧 84:不是 88:拜拜 1314:一生一世 寻7:...
2018-01-27 回答者: jomph 27个回答 591
中文翻译成英文 谢谢!!
问:网络犯罪 据公安部公共信息安全监察局统计 , 个人电脑遭到病毒攻击的电...
答:According to the Ministry of Public Security public information security supervision bureau statistics, the computer user which the personal computing encounters the viral attack 73% increases from 2001 to 2002 84%, data missing as well as the hard disk suffer the destruction the personal...
2006-04-12 回答者: supercathy 2个回答 2
答:Very surprised to receive your letter, for you and your husband's misfortune, I am deeply saddened. However, a person alive is to strong, so Glenny Rhemani President, you must be strong to face, but also must be strong to face . If I was fortunate to receive the money, I...
2009-12-15 回答者: zxl88916857 5个回答
答:以WPS 2019版例,有两种办法供参考 第一种方法:全文翻译 1. 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“全文翻译”2. 在弹出框根据需求进行选择,点击开始翻译即可 第二种方法:划词翻译 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“划词翻译”,鼠标划选文字就可以显示查词,翻译结果~...
2019-08-12 回答者: WPS官方 10个回答 2

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