答:纯手写,仅供参考。Dear XXX,I 'm very sorry for losing the book I borrowed from you two days ago. (第一句表达你的歉意)For I went to a public library and forgot to take the book.(这句话是说你怎么弄掉的,随便编) I promise I will buy you a new one tomorrow without ...
2011-01-17 回答者: 惜葭 2个回答 4
问:英文道歉信 越简单越好~100个字左右 关于家里小狗跑到邻居家打破了邻居...
答:Dear (名字)i am very sorry for the fact that i had accidentally let my dog ran to your house and break your flowerpot.I know i should have put my eyes on him more often and always make sure he is not getting any trouble.,but since it had already took a place i am ...
2020-08-23 回答者: 裴甲慕容璐 1个回答 1
答:The English teacher hello!In you before I borrowed an electronic dictionary, because of my negligence, be I loses, I hope you can forgive my teacher, I'll pay you a new!!!Li hua
2011-12-22 回答者: yjblovezym 5个回答
答:Dear ___(对象),I am truly sorry that ___(道歉的原因).The reason is that ___(介绍原因).Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my appologies and understand my situation.Yours Sincerely,Li Ming ...
2019-12-28 回答者: bear儿飞飞 1个回答
答:Dear Mr/Mrs XXX,I am writing to apologize sincerely for my absence of your English class last week. From the bottom of my heart, I had never planned to escape any class of yours which is so interesting and instructional. However, a very important competition drove me away from...
2011-11-18 回答者: Kalvin151 3个回答 5
答:Dear Tom,I am terribly sorry to say that I can't find the book you lent me---OREAL ENGLISH. I have already read it and I arranged to give it back to you. I will buy a new one for you.Cordially,Helen
2012-07-23 回答者: sylvia091827 3个回答 1
答:Dear Mr.XX:I'm sorry for the last class that I didn't attend in time.I promise I will never be late forever,please accept my apologize.Sincerely.Yours.XXX 把你要道歉的代进去就可以了。希望可以采纳我的问题!
2014-06-12 回答者: juulin0812 1个回答 1
答:英文写的话 就是 I am very sorry, but I will not be able to go to the movies with you. I will have relatives over so I would not have time. Once again, I apoligize.
2017-07-13 回答者: 天冷心花 1个回答 5
...表示接受教训,并愿意赔偿 用英文写一封道歉信
答:Dear assistant,I'm very sorry about ___days ago, I dropped the book when I borrow it.I won't do it again.I will remember your advice.I'll pay for the book.Sincerely yours,___(你的英语名)
2013-06-30 回答者: 蔚雨穆 1个回答 1
答:Dear Mr./Mrs.___Thank you so much for inviting me to make a speak at this school, I am truly honored. But unfortunately there has been an emergency and I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. Again, I am so terribly sorry. I will be honored to do it if the cha...
2010-11-25 回答者: getoutttt 1个回答 3

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