问:你的好友jean把你的书弄丢了你和她发生了争吵 反省后写一份e-mail给他道...
答:Hello, Jean ! I am writing to say sorry to you for quarrelling with you the other day. I have know that you lost my book by accident but not on purpose so I shouldn't have quarrelled with you. I take back what I said that day and I do hope that you can forgive me...
2013-03-20 回答者: 小幽ice 1个回答 10
答:Dear customer,We are indeed very sorry that I sold you a camera which had something wrong. We feel awful about it.We sincerely hope you can understand us situation and accept us apology. We would appreciate your allowing us to change a brand new camera for you. Once again, ...
2015-03-30 回答者: dnet88 1个回答
商务英语道歉信 假如我找mr.smith星期五谈生意,可是我经理要我去北京...
答:Dear Mr. Smith,First I wuold like to express my sincere apology to you. We had dated to talk about business on this Friday; but my manager told me to Beijing on bisiness and I can not come until next Friday. I am so sorry that we have to delay our talk. Hope this...
2011-03-29 回答者: 王柳cool 1个回答 8
答:(Salutation),I should be utterly ashamed of myself. I can’t believe I actually missed the appointment we’d been talking about for so long. I expect you’re pretty angry with me.I really am terribly sorry - I know you also had to postpone two other meetings because of me...
2010-12-08 回答者: 陈迎春 2个回答 13
答:Dear Sir,I am writing to give my apologies to you for having skipped last Thursday's class.Last Thursday was a bad day to me. When I got up that morning, I found that I was not quite myself. My mother sent me to the hospital and had me examined. Surprisingly, I was ...
2010-12-06 回答者: 注册问问真麻烦 1个回答 6
答:Dear ,Much to my regret / I amterribly sorry that I am unable to . It is mainly because at that timeI will be full occupied by which is quite out of my expectation, and thatconflicts with your .Therefore I am forced to adjust my schedule and cannot make my ...
2017-02-09 回答者: 大红的衣 2个回答 1
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?很急,明天要英语考试,帮帮忙 ,谢谢...
问:Mary给Mrs.white的一封道歉信. 内容:Mary刚从儿子那里得知一个糟糕的消...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2013-06-24 回答者: Forever4fun 4个回答 2
问:谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?明天要英语考试,, Mary给Mrs.white的一...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2019-09-13 回答者: 实蓄丹尔蝶 1个回答
答:Dear Tom,I am terribly sorry to say that I can't find the book you lent me---OREAL ENGLISH. I have already read it and I arranged to give it back to you. I will buy a new one for you.Cordially,Helen
2012-07-23 回答者: sylvia091827 3个回答 1

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