答:3,历史悠久,民族特色。中国的传统文化是中国特有的,与世界上其他民族文化不同,总的来说变化不大。2。中国的传统文化在某些短暂的历史时期内有所中断,在不同的历史时期或多或少的有所改变,但是大体上没有中断过。4,博大精深 s one culture without interruption. Generally speaking, it has ...
2017-08-18 回答者: cpS2irUze21 1个回答 13
= =帮忙用英文介绍下中国的文化...80——120词左右|||高分= =_百度知 ...
问:英语作文||不要太深..凑合的介绍下中国的人、饮食、文化就成|| 80——120...
答:China is one of the countries with longest history, is one of the cardles of civilisations. All the people know that famous Great Wall, the word Great indicate how spectacular that is, it was use to deffence the attack of Mongolia, but now not anymore, however it is still a ...
2009-09-29 回答者: liujiamo123 3个回答 10
关于中国传统文化英语作文 关于中国传统文化英语作文怎么写
2022-12-22 回答者: 懂视生活 1个回答
2022-10-02 回答者: ZZZNKKK 2个回答
答:写作思路:主要写出茶文化是什么。正文:中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发源地。中国茶的发现和利用已有四千七百多年的历史,且长盛不衰,传遍全球。Tea culture originated in China. China is the hometown of tea. It is said that tea drinking in China began in the Shennong era, at least ...
2021-06-24 回答者: 阿沾z 2个回答 8
答:中国人饮茶, 注重一个"品"字。"品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素...
2017-10-08 回答者: tc03228 1个回答 61
答:Chinese culture Chinese culture has a long history and has for the focus of world attention. Let me introduce ceramic process it. A clay kaolin, tao is the best material fired porcelain, one thousand years, how many fine ceramic from these small porcelain clay drum, and the first...
2011-07-09 回答者: 834896127 2个回答 32
答:The information revolution,the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society,where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture.In the city,no one can escape from the fast pace.We eat...
2019-12-11 回答者: 肇琛剑妙晴 1个回答
问:题目如下: 某中学生英语杂志“民族文化”专栏正在开展征文活动。请你根据...
答:Paper Cutting in China (题目:中国的剪纸)Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has gradually developed throughout the long history of paper Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn the rudiments. Paper cutting covers nearly all topics, from flowers, ...
2016-12-01 回答者: fanrong1229 3个回答 20
答:good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Maybe some of...
2015-11-28 回答者: 微雨去尘 1个回答 26

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