答:Dear Bob,Im sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble。Shall we go on Saturday morning? z.xxkWe can...
2023-01-09 回答者: 惠企百科 1个回答
英文迟到道歉信. 点写好?
答:Dear Mr. XXX,The Personnel Manager,Dear Sir,I regreted that I was late and thus received you warning letter in this respect. I fully aware that the office discipline has to be enforced. Moreover, it is stated in our employment contract that I have to be punctual to e before...
2022-11-04 回答者: 续煊郜冬梅 1个回答
答:一、道歉信:道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing this letter to express my regret…I am writing to apologise for …I would like to give you my apology for…I am very sorry to say that …I must apologize about (not) doing sth…Please accept my sincerely apology for…I...
2018-05-15 回答者: Chenzytom 2个回答 4
答:Dear Mrs.Jones:Sorry to brother,i am Jim Jackson from the Heat company.I’m sorry for the trouble and inconvenience caused to you due to my fault.According to our contact, I should have helped you install the central heating system yesterday.But I couldn’t install it on ...
2021-12-31 回答者: 塌鼻子瑞瑞阿 4个回答
答:I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me .I'll mail the CD to you as soon as I can.I didn't do it on perpose and I'm really felling bad about it .Sorry again and please forgive me!Best wishes from:Xiao Ming(Adam)道歉信(Letters of Apologies)道歉信是写信人对未尽...
2009-04-13 回答者: andyxue2008 3个回答
答:Apology Letter English。道歉信是指因过失或疏忽别人带来麻烦或损失后,写信给对方赔礼道歉的信件。道歉是一种礼貌,道歉信要写得坦率、诚恳。道歉信通常包括三部分内容:(1)向对方表示歉意。(2)说明道歉的原因,对失误或错误进行解释(一般要求自由发挥)。(3)提出补救措施,请求原谅。注意:语言要诚恳...
2023-04-25 回答者: 半身马贾 1个回答
问:急求英语道歉信 Peter和家人到纽约渡假,于上周五入住一家五星级酒店.但...
答:Dear XXX:We felt very sorry to say that we could not provide the timely and circumspect service for you as Household Electric Appliance Maintain Company .We sincerely hope you can understand us ,because some of our maintaiers went to train ,and some of them walked to the other ...
2019-09-05 回答者: 斯璧完颜姿 1个回答
答:给老板的一封信英文篇一 Dear sir,Last year I bought a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like the shape and colour of the refrigerator. But recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it is turned on.At first it is low bu...
2022-06-11 回答者: 你大爷FrV 1个回答
问:Mr.john Tan 投递一个包裹..但他们写的地址我们看错了,由于地址的错误...
答:OK! Let me help you:Dear xxx,I am excessively sorry for not diverying the package in time. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my clarelessness.It all happened by accident.One of my workmates who made a mistake in...
2009-04-14 回答者: liang0909570 3个回答 1
答:Dear prefect I am apologize for being rude to you. I hope you will five me. I promise to be polite to you. Hope you will five me and not giving me a punishment. If you give me a punishment I will beat you hit you punch you and use a knife to kill you. If you ...
2022-11-25 回答者: 巴傻gq38 1个回答

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