答:now let me introduce one of our classmates. he is in medium height and has short black hair with a pair of glasses. he likes playing basketball and is very humourous. he often make all of us laugh happily. can you guess who he is? if you can guess who he is, then ...
2015-05-27 回答者: YOUMEOK8 2个回答 5
造林[zào lín]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
答:《中华人民共和国宪法》第一章第二六条:“国家组织和鼓励植树造林,保护林木。” 黄宗英 《大雁情·她??》:“你们 陕西 榆林地区 干得颇有成绩的飞机造林,第一批去的成员里,就有 老秦 的爱人。” 刘心武 《日程紧迫》九:“如果这时候派你们去参加义务劳动,比如说,去植树造林,你们会怎么想...
2022-10-06 回答者: 崔幻天 1个回答
问:我是一名应届毕业生。在校期间,认真地学习相关基础知识 ,并不断拓展自...
答:I am a graduate. In school period, serious study of the relevant basic knowledge , and expand themselves, learn from other professional knowledge, and achieved excellent Results. In the promotion of knowledge at the same time, also to a certain extent, honed my sex Lattice, made ...
2013-06-15 回答者: sky紫色水晶 2个回答
问:我在公园开船的地方兼职,有好多外国人,请帮忙翻译几句话。 1.不要过去...
答:, 2 for "backward".3. leave it to me. / Let me do it. / Allow me. 这三个应该都可以,不过"Allow me"主要用在帮助女士时候,是非常礼貌跟客气的一种用法。4. Go straight along(down) this street(road). 扩号里词可用来替代扩号前那个词。非机器翻译,希望对你有帮助。
2012-04-14 回答者: 茕然孑立 3个回答
麻烦各位帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英文一下 谢谢
问:⒈毕业以来,他们通过电子邮件保持联系。(keep in touch with) ⒉现在中...
答:To deal with this problem, every mean available is used.⒋据说电脑可以编程为人们做家务。(be programmed to)It is said that PCs can be programmed to help people do housework.⒌由于考试作弊,他受到了惩罚。(cheat)He was punished for cheating.⒍对因特网有了更好的了解,我们就可以...
2007-02-12 回答者: 星子阿卓 5个回答 1
问:1、 在这个寒假中,我和爸爸妈妈去了许多地方。有昆明、西双版纳、丽江...
答:1.In the winter vacation,my parents and I went to many places, kunming, xishuangbanna, lijiang, etc. Kunming is called spring city, because it's four seasons permance spring. Walked in the street,there are everywhere drifts of flowers. Only you unexpected flower, not miss.2, ...
2011-02-14 回答者: sunrisedanny 3个回答 2
答:造句64:你在这个月不能参加为期两天的团聚很遗憾,衷心的祝愿兄弟姐妹与家人团聚,与时代同步,所有的愿望成真。 造句65:开头,如果是外出类的,可以先说这次活动多么有意义,在结尾就说,我们参加了一次很好的活动,我们的心情非常高兴。 造句66:明天有个同乡聚会,你想不想参加? 造句67:虽然没能参加和大家一起的拓展训...
2024-04-27 回答者: 起航知识小百科 1个回答
答:Our class held a 'Thanksgiving parents' theme class meeting in the last Friday
2014-11-22 回答者: cn#BBafLpGuBa 2个回答 1
答:We sell all colors of sweaters for 6 yuan!
2007-12-09 回答者: 泪水与心碎 4个回答 5
答:This is the last time I miss you.
2012-05-10 回答者: damnedsheep 4个回答 2

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