答:道歉信的格式及范文(如何写道歉信) 道歉信是因工作失误,引进对方的不快,以表示陪礼道歉,消除曲解,增进友谊和信赖的信函。格式 道歉信 开头:简单交代对何事进行道歉 正文:解释事情发生的原因,消除误会或矛盾。结尾:再次表示遗憾和歉意,表明愿意补救的愿望,提出建议或安排。范文 向客户致歉 某公司...
2022-12-22 回答者: OfferComing留学 1个回答
答:Dear Mrs.Jones:Sorry to brother,i am Jim Jackson from the Heat company.I’m sorry for the trouble and inconvenience caused to you due to my fault.According to our contact, I should have helped you install the central heating system yesterday.But I couldn’t install it on ...
2021-12-31 回答者: 塌鼻子瑞瑞阿 4个回答
答:MY DEAR STUDENGTS AND SIR OR MADAM,At first,I apologize to violation of classroom discipline.首先,我为我违反课堂纪律道歉。I want to say sorry to the teacher about the English lessons I didn't listen but do the math homework.我想为英语课上没听课却做数学作业向老师说声对不起。Th...
2013-10-31 回答者: qvjinchun 2个回答 2
答:英文道歉信常用句式有哪些?下面就是为大家整理的英文道歉信常用句式句子哦!英文道歉信常用句式【1】1. Much to my regret,I am unable to… 让我感到极为遗憾的是自己不能……2. Excuse me for my not being able to… 请原谅我不能……3. I would ...
2022-07-10 回答者: 崔毛毛丫154 1个回答
问:急求一封写给老板的英文道歉信!尽量写得简短写得更有诚意。原文如下: ...
答:我很抱歉这几天在没有经过您的允许下贸然打开了您本想送给客户的礼品。I apologise for opening the gift for the customer without your permission.当我知道这是您打算送给客户的礼物时更加追悔莫及,我知道自己给公司造成了损失,给您带来了麻烦。I am deeply sorry once I know that it is your ...
2017-12-16 回答者: weiweipuppy 4个回答 12
答:understanding.Thank you for your understanding and I doappreciate ir very much. | will make every effortin making up what | may miss from your lesson.Yours XXX 我写这封信是为了请你原谅我在你们班缺席。当六级考试即将来临的时候,我意识到我在准备工作上落后了很多。时间表。我唯一的...
2023-11-17 回答者: 仙女丽吖时代 1个回答
答:3.求一封英语道歉信 It is with sentiments of profound regret that I am writing this lesst of apology to you, my beloved dad an mum.I now fully realize that I was entirely rude to have quarrelled with you last night. What I behaved then has deeply hurt you in the hearts...
2022-07-31 回答者: 巴傻gq38 1个回答
答:She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.Thanking you again for the loan.Sincerely yours,Tom 二、英文道歉信格式及范...
2011-04-25 回答者: 权益与保障 1个回答
答:The teacher I'm sorry. I am in your class play mobile phone, and did not respect you, also make you angry. I am very, very regret it, wasted your time in class. I am sorry, very sorry. I hope you can forgive me.意思:老师对不起。我在您的课上玩手机,并没有尊重您,...
2013-04-24 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 2
答:英语道歉信在开头简单交代对何事进行道歉,在第二段解释事情发生的原因,消除误会或矛盾。最后再次表示遗憾和歉意,表明愿意补救的愿望,提出建议或安排。英语道歉信双语范文如下:Dear Anna,亲爱的安娜:Thank you for inviting me to have lunch with you and your family tomorrow evening. However, I ...
2021-04-04 回答者: Ljhffvv 2个回答 1

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