答:我希望能够遇到一个人. 一个跟我一样简单的人.I just wish I can meet someone, a person who's as simple as I am,我的理想很简单. 一个不需要多美的你 ,一个不需要多富有的家庭, 一个不需要多稳定的工作.但是,有你有我有爱.and my expectation is very simple, calling for no ...
2013-04-16 回答者: mcthemax33 2个回答
问:我突然的无助 没有眼泪的悲伤没有人清楚 只能呼吸着不被了解的孤独 一个...
答:Ambivalently, I felt helpless Desiring for your protection, though little Words failed to what I wanted to express 倒数第二句做不到押韵了,本想用less结尾从反意表示少 但是想来想去都没想到用哪个词来代替Little 所以就这样吧~个人感觉翻译的还算满意~【笑】~最后一句让我想到 I love you ...
2010-11-04 回答者: 2beloved1314 5个回答 5
答:i had been this company for nearly half years. at this company i had not only to improve myself but also had learn lots about administrative and desk work, with it i had increase my personal ability. i think the administrative work is not very difficult but with lots small ...
2008-09-04 回答者: WeStKiNgLiN 5个回答 1
能帮我翻译一下穷街乐队的 18life,翻译成中文。谢谢了 !
答:分类: 音乐 问题描述:谁能帮我翻译一下穷街乐队的 18life,翻译成中文。谢谢了!!1 解析:Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.Fought like a switchblade so ...
2022-10-22 回答者: 麻香酥鸭 1个回答
麻烦帮我翻译成英文一下, 谢谢..!
答:completed. And coordination of the production department and the many differences between the QC, so that "receiving orders - Production Planning - Production products - testing products - delivery - confirm that the customer receipt" process more reasonable and quick.我自己翻译的。
2010-11-27 回答者: 287233670 3个回答
急!麻烦帮忙将一下译成英文 不要机译 当我们很小的时候。。。 他们花...
答:when they get old, we should follow their example by taking good care of them, the same way they cared for us when we were little. This is not just paying back, it's more about responsibility, something we should all do and do well with heart.说的不错,手工帮你翻译了 ...
2017-11-23 回答者: Denver_space 11个回答 29
问:中国的新年来得比较迟一些, 我还没有做好心里准备, 在中国就业真的很...
答:我曾经想过要给你寄一些好玩的东西,但我不知道该怎么给国外寄邮包,还有就是在我们那里寄比较麻烦,我需要你的地址.你可以告诉我吗?:I have thought about giving you send some funny things,but I do not know how to send packets abroad,there is where we send in comparison trouble,I ...
2020-05-14 回答者: 井楠有济 1个回答
问:Also, I like making friends with different people, especially those...
答:同时,我喜欢交不同的朋友,尤其是那些平易近人和思想开明的.如果你跟我相处一会儿,你就会发现跟我交谈很轻松很愉快.而且我是个助人为乐的人.众所周知,上帝会帮助那些能自救的人.但我认为我们应该帮助那些需要我们帮助的人,尽我们所能助他们走出困境.就如一句古谚语所说的: 如果你下定决心去做没有不...
2008-10-15 回答者: franscoise123 4个回答 1
答:three aspects of the 3D. If we compare motion picture arts to vigorous trees, and the 3D movies as a part of it thick branches, although pray it strong, needs to be trimmed and should not let their wanton growth(肆意生长).很高兴能够帮到你,希望对你有助,还望满意,谢谢。
2012-04-08 回答者: 曾志揚 4个回答 1
麻烦能帮我翻译一下:不读书,不加油。 谢谢了。要尽量标准一点的哦...
答:Don't read, don't refueling纯人工翻译
2010-08-30 回答者: 小喔和小小喔 4个回答 1

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