问:文章如下: DEAR JAZZ: 谢谢对HAPPINESS(公司的名字)的关注! 本公司是主...
答:我保证我的更加有条理!请把高分给我!以后有类似的问题都可以来找我!帮你帮到低!DEAR JAZZ:Thank you for your attention to Happiness!Our company is mainly for toy designs and sales. And we have built branches all over the world: China, the U.S.A., Germany, Korea, Japan, ...
2006-03-28 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 7
答:There 10000 and wonderful things, people are always enjoying. And in the process, enjoy a family, friends, and even some unknown person in the company, will enjoy a happy, add process adorn a warmth.In one of my birthday, mom bought me a big cake, so we invited many ...
2010-10-06 回答者: 隐居魔尊 3个回答 9
帮我这段翻译英文,好的追分100,谢谢啊 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 但是一...
问:女士们,先生们,大家好!祝大家龙年好运。 寒假到来,囧途国际与您准时...
答:Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! I wish you all good luck of the dragon.The winter vacation coming, mortar and you meet international road on time!Buy a ticket will meet every year Spring Festival is difficult problem, let all people all want to go home feel the injury not ...
2012-01-15 回答者: 太极洋洋 5个回答
答:conscious in history of feminine literature and affrims trailblazing contributions made by Jane Austen for the foundation of feminine writting traditions through analysis of these female characters and several male supporting roles.(哇哇翻译得我都要死掉了,楼主你不采纳我也没辙了~~~)...
2011-04-12 回答者: lotus兰雪莲 3个回答 13
答:and his legions of Undeod(应该是undead吧) are growing in powerand must be stopped.--以及他的正在迅速成长的"不死"军团必须被阻止.Van Wormsing(名字就不用翻译了吧,应该叫 凡**) and his team are charged with destroying this thret,(这句话打了两遍,第二遍才是吧?第一遍删掉了...
2010-02-10 回答者: sundae_bunny 6个回答 6
答:The significance of technology is to make people's life a little easier and more efficient. The emergence of scanning pen, but also From people in the life of writing articles, doing research, collecting information crucial moment, the mind incomplete, writing and slow , Typing too ...
2008-06-11 回答者: winyueli 1个回答
答:Our country's Stock market is in is born by the planned economy to the market economy transition special historical period and develops, the new stock release fixed price way has experienced by the administrative fixed price gradually the process which evolves to the marketability fixed ...
2008-05-24 回答者: pkq_kitty 2个回答
问:请教了身边的人,大家都表示帮不上忙。 跪求英文好的同学,帮我把这两段...
答:can write such atmospheric article, believe heart is also important.第二个在这里呵呵:这是一个动听而又近人情的故事。动人心弦、平缓舒雅、略带感伤。字里行间却鼓涌着一股无可抑制的冲击波,激起读者强烈的心灵震颤与共鸣。情节文字饱含浓度和广度,演绎出一场脱离世俗而合乎秩序的爱恋。This is ...
2012-06-05 回答者: 鉲s朶籹孓Only 2个回答 1
问:读《秘密花园》有感 暑假里我读了《秘密花园》。这是一部讲述一个关于美...
答:In summer holiday,I read <秘密花园>.The story is talk about a good heart and the magic in the real life.Marry leaft with her parents,but she never enjoy her parents'love.仆人are very 百依百顺to her,it let her 任性and 乖戾.When she met a 秘密and 废弃 garden,her friends ...
2009-08-12 回答者: 桃花不逊国宝 4个回答
问:Over six million students attend these institution.Specialized inst...
答:比如指导委员会,理事,或摄政员。名词“设置理事会”出自于早期的教派控制高校的殖民地经历。理事会可选定为理事会服务的校长或秘书,来管理学校。然后校长有权任命其他负责人,副校长,系主任和学术带头人,来执行学校的各项事务。没时间。。 我随便乱翻的!错了莫怪我!
2006-11-08 回答者: 零肆好玩 4个回答

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