麻烦请帮我这段翻译英文 ,很急 ,不能用翻译器
问:一 人道主义干涉合法论 劳特派特认为,如果一个国家犯有对本国人民施行...
答:一Humanitarian intervention legal theory Always the piper think, if a country of their own people convicted of brutal or persecution crimes, to deny their basic human rights and shock human conscience, so, for humanitarian intervention is the laws permit. Visible, always the piper think...
2011-02-10 回答者: 4694111 3个回答 18
问:题目是:中西文化的渗透融合在历史发展进程中的特点 在人类发展史上,无...
答:Topic: the infiltration of Chinese and Western cultures in the history of integration in the development of the characteristics of In the history of human development, both large and small, strong or weak, and regardless of the length of the history of the establishment of countries,...
2008-05-05 回答者: zhouyusen 4个回答 1
答:Good morning. I did not wake you up because you were still sleeping. I have to go out for some temporary task. The breakfast is prepared and placed on the table. You can take a walk and breathe fresh air in the neighborhood after you get up. The key of the house...
2009-01-04 回答者: hakali_ivy 4个回答 5
问:自我介绍 大家好!我叫Helen,今年7岁,我一直不知道我是从哪儿来的,因...
答:"oh baby, your paiting is great. ","Your smile is so lovely","I like you reading English". However, she will shouting angryly at me "No, Helen!" if I am naughty. My dad always "save me" at that moment. He will say "Oh, she is a little girl. Our baby will not...
2012-08-08 回答者: cheny0610 4个回答
答:很久以前,在和平谷里住着一只又胖又懒的熊猫,他叫阿波。他在他爸爸的面条店里打工,送外卖。有一天,在山上举行了一场比赛,阿波偶然成了龙斗士,他扛上了一道艰巨的任务——打败太朗,打败一直凶恶之极而且武功高强的猛虎。经过一系列的训练,他终于完成了任务,成了和平谷里的英雄。A long time ...
2008-07-16 回答者: savage717 7个回答 2
问:1. Maturity The drastic transformation from isolated centrally plan...
答:在方法学,责任引入和不换岗等反面, 人们面对这种环境时的缺乏成熟的一面便表现了出来 Responsibilities and accountabilities are often abandoned and the sense for urgency in certain situations appeared underdeveloped.责任与义务往往被人们弃之不顾,而且 在一些领域,人缺少紧迫感 Finally,lower job ...
2008-06-10 回答者: 天天老肥 4个回答 1
问:Major Responsibility * Responsible for daily office routine work, s...
答:协助管理员,为公司客货车及其他设备的预订 负责管理和维修的会议室一样,投影机设置,水和文件前置等。确保平稳运行和维修办公设备,手机,打印机,复印机,传真机等。管理办公室资产和监督清洁办公室清洁 每月出勤记录及邮件纪录 其他办公室行政支援指派 能力与技巧 良好的书面和英语口语,扎实的技能对...
2008-03-17 回答者: grase288 4个回答 1
亲们谁能帮我翻译一下这段话: 用英文
答:With the rise of domestic private enterprises,the development of China's private enterprises draws more and more people's attention . At the same time, that human resource management's increasingly strategic role in enterprises makes it truly become a strategic business resource of ...
2011-04-05 回答者: panyan1314521 2个回答 2
问:千万不要用有道。。翻译地顺口些,谢了!! 尊敬的校长: 您好!我是高...
答:Dear headmaster,I am a student of High class one five.I am very happy to talk something with you in writting.Because you are busy in public affairs,it is a valuable opportunity to meet you .now I want to offer my two suggestions.Firstly,the study time should be relaxed....
2013-01-28 回答者: 徐场2011 4个回答
答:正确翻译是这样:After World War I, as a result of excessive exploitation of the United States and a large number of veterans of the oil exports, making the post-First World War, the United States is faced with the depletion of oil resources in danger. In order to solve the ...
2009-04-12 回答者: 443675320 3个回答 2

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