问:We take this opportunity to inform you, that we have received your ...
答:about our Company and business operations.请接受以下条款:付款条件:D/A 75天,从提单上的开航日期起算 汇票\商业发票3份正本\原产地证正本\保险单一正三副\装箱单3份正本和提单3份正本通过贵方银行交美国的传递行,以便我方承兑和到期付款.你方可以通过银行了解我方公司情况和商业运作情况....
2007-07-24 回答者: 柔凝雪 4个回答 1
请好心人帮我这段英语翻译成中文 非常感谢!!!
问:Hello seller,My Name is Mrs Jessica Morris,I want to make an urgent...
答:你好,销售者,我是Jessica Morris女士,我想急速地为我在尼日利亚的伯父购买你在雅虎拍卖上摆放的商品,我将会支付你1500美元,这1500美元包括海运费还有EMS快速邮费,希望尽快得到你的回复以便进一步沟通,我的网址是j2010@gmail.com,谢谢!以上是我的翻译,但是敬告您,出现尼日利亚这个国家你要特别小心,...
2010-06-21 回答者: 陈嘉东2000 4个回答
问:whether ther are greeting each other,talking about an idea,or finis...
2010-03-21 回答者: fhjyming 1个回答 2
问:Firstly, i will like to let you know that i dont know if they bank ...
答:第一,我将会喜欢让你知道,我不知道,是否他们存入银行职员将会打电话给你但是他们如果他们被做, definetly 将会连络你吗。
2007-02-24 回答者: lilylily852 3个回答
问:Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate and want...
答:你的是摩尔斯讯号的短音不对我们有关系!如果你拥有真正的 est 吃而且 IMMEDIATET 兑现花费你喜欢, 或只是愿的任何方法为了要藉着第三或更多降低你的每月付款, 这里是交易.催促,这些提议决意今晚决定。大概是这样,你这段单词语法错误好多。
2006-07-22 回答者: bedance 4个回答
谁能帮我翻译一下 下面这段英文...谢谢大家了 10分
问:What am I gonna do now, I can't seem to think of anything else your...
答:也许我会为她写一首歌,那(首歌)会是这样的...I'll do anything you ask, just give me a chance 我会做所有你所要求的事情,只要你给我机会 help you with your homework, even carry your school books 帮你完成作业,即使帮你拿去学校的书本 I won't even call you a thief,我甚至不...
2007-07-17 回答者: hriko 3个回答 1
答:英文 My favorite country is France, its capital in Paris, the famous romantic country located in Western Europe, and west near the Atlantic ocean, the northwest face the English channel and north, northeast neighbor.the Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, east and southeast Switzerland ...
2011-01-24 回答者: 404071054711 4个回答 3
问:a ploblem han been detected and windows han been shut down to preve...
答:我只说大概意思 一个错误发生了 为了保护你的电脑 关闭了窗口 如果这个错误第一次发生 可以尝试重启 如果再次见到该提示 你可以检查是不是正确安装了新的硬件或者软件 如果这是个新的安装 请向制造商所要windows的升级程序 如果问题仍然继续,使用硬件或者新安装的软硬件使BIOS的选项例如超高速缓存或者...
2007-08-29 回答者: Demony 4个回答
答:of Shanghai, Shanghai, the none does not make open erudite state of mind of the internationalization metropolis.Shanghai of the new century has already become the modernization solemnly, internationalization, the specimen that vogue turn!我是一个在外国进修的英语老师,希望可以帮到你....
2007-11-29 回答者: kellclaskon 4个回答
问:The relevant language here is, "The said option shall be exercised ...
答:不知道是哪个案例里出来的,没有完整读完整篇案例很难很好的翻译这段judgment.这里相关的问题有Postal Acceptance Rule 和 Option. 大意如下 第一段写的是合同里相关的条款是 “The said option shall be exercised by notice in writing to the intending vendor...,”没有说不可以用 postal ...
2012-10-30 回答者: exvrmd 3个回答 1

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