答:that is not beyond the classroom is no longer a naughty! Hope you will accept my apology!XX 译文:亲爱的XX 你好!因为我的顽皮,而让您的心情不好,在此,我诚恳的向您说声对不起,希望您的原谅我。我保证,以后再也不在课堂上调皮了!希望您能接受我的道歉 XX 希望你的老师能原谅你 ...
2009-05-20 回答者: 紫馨漫漫 3个回答 62
写一封英文道歉信 某天下午,由于我说了一些无礼的话,惹怒了同学小小...
答:Dear Xiaoxiao,I am terribly sorry for being so rude in that afternoon. I was totally controlled by anger that time, and I do appologize for saying such hurting words. Please forgive me, I have been regerting all these days....
2009-11-23 回答者: 文微颜 4个回答 1
2022-05-17 回答者: Liu钟意 1个回答
答:Sorry again and please forgive me!Best wishes from:Xiao Ming(Adam)道歉信(Letters of Apologies)道歉信是写信人对未尽之事向收信人表示歉意。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫虚情假意,从而使收信人理解,并达到最终谅解。【例一】December 15, 2000 Dear Mary,I am very sor ry ...
2009-04-13 回答者: andyxue2008 3个回答
英语作文 跟朋友吵架后的道歉信
答:Dear XX,I am sorry to quarrel with you last night.很抱歉昨晚和你争吵.I was too excited, unable to control your emotions.我当时太激动了,不能控制自己的情绪。I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me.我真的很抱歉,希望你能原谅我。
2010-05-17 回答者: honey100100 3个回答 27
生日派对 道歉信 英文
答:Dear XXXXX,I'm really sorry that you were not invited to my birthday party yesterday, and I swear that I sincerely wanted you to come. What happened was that I asked my sister to invite you because I was busy doing my homework; however, she forgot. I apologize behalf of ...
2011-06-21 回答者: 一缕光年 3个回答 4
英语作文 写给朋友的道歉信 80词 书信格式 在线等
问:内容大概是 你误解了他 并给他制造了很多麻烦 你对此很内疚 告诉他是他...
答:To my dear friendAugust 23dear friend,Remember? We are best friends, because that gap we had a misunderstanding, my dear friend I’m sorry, I misunderstood you, forgive me? I gave you a lot of trouble, I was wrong.Hope you can forgive me, I do not want to lose you ...
2013-08-13 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 6
答:Dear Friends,Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience that I caused you by adding the extra visiting without your permission.I had no intention of intruding on your personal life. In China, arranging interesting leisure activities for visitors is a common way to show ...
2017-09-05 回答者: dayinspring 3个回答 40
问:Mr.john Tan 投递一个包裹..但他们写的地址我们看错了,由于地址的错误...
答:OK! Let me help you:Dear xxx,I am excessively sorry for not diverying the package in time. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my clarelessness.It all happened by accident.One of my workmates who made a mistake in...
2009-04-14 回答者: liang0909570 3个回答 1
问:事情是这样的:我们今天纪律很不好,但我们死不承认,所以老师很生气 要...
答:Dear teacher:First I am so sorry that I didn’t go to listen your class on Monday afternoon .I think when you know the reason I can’t go to your class ,you will forgive me .Last week because of the hot weather ,I caught a bad cold .Up to now my body still has ...
2013-11-27 回答者: 果果cutebaby 6个回答 1

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