答:Dear teacher,I'm terribly sorry that I lost your book the other day.Here,I apologize for my carelessness,and I will try my best to find a book the same as yours for compensation.Could you forgive me for my fault,my dear teacher?I promise that I will be more careful from ...
2010-11-10 回答者: ilovemulberry 3个回答 13
问:Mr.john Tan 投递一个包裹..但他们写的地址我们看错了,由于地址的错误...
答:OK! Let me help you:Dear xxx,I am excessively sorry for not diverying the package in time. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand me and excuse me for my clarelessness.It all happened by accident.One of my workmates who made a mistake in...
2009-04-14 回答者: liang0909570 3个回答 1
问:你的好友jean把你的书弄丢了你和她发生了争吵 反省后写一份e-mail给他道...
答:Hello, Jean ! I am writing to say sorry to you for quarrelling with you the other day. I have know that you lost my book by accident but not on purpose so I shouldn't have quarrelled with you. I take back what I said that day and I do hope that you can forgive me...
2013-03-20 回答者: 小幽ice 1个回答 10
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?很急,明天要英语考试,帮帮忙 ,谢谢...
问:Mary给Mrs.white的一封道歉信. 内容:Mary刚从儿子那里得知一个糟糕的消...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2013-06-24 回答者: Forever4fun 4个回答 2
答:Dear George I am really sorry that I lost your books which you lent it to me two days ago. It is really a wonderful book. I am going to finish reading it next month and then give it back to you. Suddernly I couldn't find it yesterday evening and I tried my best to ...
2011-02-26 回答者: care4you6688 3个回答 4
问:人在国外 因为出勤率的问题需要写一封解释原因的道歉信, 原因别太离谱就...
答:Dear xxx:Hello! How are you?I sorry that bother you. but I want to express that about my attendance. I know, It is very bad that I couldn't attend on time. but I try to do correct my mistakes now. I hope, you can pardon me! I will try my best to correct. ...
2010-10-15 回答者: tingtta 2个回答 2
答:Apology Letter English。道歉信是指因过失或疏忽给别人带来麻烦或损失后,写信给对方赔礼道歉的信件。道歉是一种礼貌,道歉信要写得坦率、诚恳。道歉信通常包括三部分内容:(1)向对方表示歉意。(2)说明道歉的原因,对失误或错误进行解释(一般要求自由发挥)。(3)提出补救措施,请求原谅。注意:语言要诚恳...
2023-04-25 回答者: 半身马贾 1个回答
英文飞机延误道歉信怎么写?就是很 诚恳的道歉就行了,不用什么赔偿措施...
问:就是很 诚恳的道歉就行了,不用什么赔偿措施
答:Dear passengers,We are really apologized for the delay of the flight. Thanks for your patience of waiting. We can't tell how much we appreciate it. We finally have the whole story for you. The plane was delayed by a storm in Northern China. We could not tell how long it ...
2010-03-14 回答者: rbrt6 1个回答 8
问:谁能帮我写一篇英语作文道歉信啊?明天要英语考试,, Mary给Mrs.white的一...
答:Dear Mrs. White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden. I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad news. I know that Mr. White is trying the increase the height of the ...
2019-09-13 回答者: 实蓄丹尔蝶 1个回答
答:Dear Zhang,I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time. I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening...
2015-01-27 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 3

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