答:The tragedy is a tragedy eventually. The pitiful demon shade spirit, he wears mask's face is such enchantment, but under he the curse which is beautiful is can never untie. when he anticipated when truly the life the lips draws close to he unrivalled lonely face, takes to him...
2008-12-23 回答者: 嫣雨霏 3个回答
答:小时後我的梦想是成为超人。这样我就可以飞来飞去,到处参观,还可以拯救人类。但我长大後才知道那不可能会实现,所以我有了第2个梦想。为了完成梦想现在我也会跟著电影一起表演。My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there ...
2013-07-01 回答者: oaklin88 6个回答 1
答:If you give a definition of love, I think this is a very difficult thing, I think this is a feeling that must be some meaning is never required. I have to give a very simple example, my dad likes to eat noodles, and my mother likes to eat noodles, but they have never...
2014-04-14 回答者: ULTR0N 2个回答 2
答:If the ture meaning of life is facing it,I'm really on the hoof,but something I still can't face to it.The feeling is so cherish,so I hope you will be happy.I will leave quietly,and to be friend if we can.【自己翻译的,非机器翻译,楼主参考下,希望对您有帮助】...
2011-12-25 回答者: 超级玛丽爱蘑菇 4个回答 2
答:我明白你是想写投诉理赔信,但不明白这句话 但是恰好现在我的电脑过了保修期,在过保修期的这段时间内,电脑出现了问题我知道休息费用可能会由公司承担,所以在此期间出现这个问题我非常抱歉 究竟在保修期内还是保修期外?我给你重新写了一个英文版的。My computer has experienced quite a few ...
2012-11-15 回答者: archfiends 2个回答 1
问:有一天,我们可不可以这样相爱 约定好去每一个彼此都想去的地方 记录下来...
答:One day so we can love to every good agreement with each other all want to go down one by one and then the practice gradually, in each of the spots the two took a sweet smile and the tight Hands One day, so we can love visited numerous stores all of a sudden with a ...
2008-12-24 回答者: 情人节雨 2个回答 1
答:这是我最新下载的翻译机器的作品,希望你喜欢。April 8, Guangdong Province, the first reading of teaching English in primary schools will exchange Shiqi primary school in the fourth floor of the Studio Building was held. From Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Dongguan, the five teachers and ...
2008-04-23 回答者: 湛蓝使者 3个回答 1
问:Achilles-tendon-tears mostly involve the middle third of the Achill...
答:受伤的方面将然后不显示出英尺的脚底的屈曲这 lesi 开经常是在运动看,在滑雪特别破裂影响 meta-carpo-phalangeal 关节的尺骨的并行的系带并且导致姆指的严重的软弱它能也是我 evi 由 stressradiograms 和损害应该总是是的 MRT 的凹部操作了保守的处理不能在运动第一恢复足够的joint-stability.破裂我们...
2007-03-31 回答者: →天外§流星← 2个回答
答:In the advertising world, I prefer to toothpaste advertisement toothpaste advertisement in the field of I love COIGA TE it will naturally become my favorite commercials. Because toothpaste is our daily life is very important supplies. Everyone is needed. We often tell the health of ...
2007-05-06 回答者: adam199515 2个回答 2
答:like this can our parents, teacher, motherland!我认为青少年应该花花费大量时间做家庭作业。因为一方面那样有助于我们提高我们的成绩;另一方面,我们作为学生,我们的责任就是学习,我们要尽到我们的责任,这样才能对的起我们的父母、老师、祖国!I think young people should spend a lot of time to ...
2008-10-02 回答者: 不得不对 5个回答

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