答:Our school's dining room is between the teaching building and the library.
2014-10-10 回答者: 雨依旧梦轻扬 3个回答
答:岁月有痕,让岁月留下我对校园生活的爱痕。也愿每个人心中的更鲜;愿每个人心中的阳光更灿烂。Years have traces, let years leave traces of my love for campus life. May the sunshine in everyone's heart be brighter.让我们带着心中的美好愿望在那片碧海蓝天下去拼搏、去奋进,去打出属于我们...
2021-04-04 回答者: 冰箱有点小 2个回答
答:在西南、华南各省区和台湾省的竹乡几乎所有的日用品都是用竹子做成的:亭台楼阁是竹子搭成的,桥梁是竹子修造的,桌椅板凳是竹子做成的,箩筐也是竹子编成的。in bamboo countries of southwest,the south of China and TaiWan province ,all the commodity are made by bamboo:kiosk,stage,house,bridge ...
2006-12-08 回答者: xiaolu19870522 3个回答 3
答:"These rules are good for us"些规则对我们是有好处的
2014-05-19 回答者: 宏吧KIKI 4个回答
谁能帮我把下面这段文字翻译成英文呀?满意的答案会再追加分数 谢谢各位...
答:Time for each person is significant, but everyone treats time understanding, attitude experience are different, it leads people often spend a lot of time to do the emergency but not important task, ignoring important urgent tasks, this is widespread time management problems. In the ...
2011-04-27 回答者: 家在远方哈 1个回答
2015-09-03 回答者: cxlxltvxq 3个回答 1
这是谁的猫翻译成英文 用whose句型
答:翻译为:Whose is this cat? 这只猫是谁的 希望能帮到你
2015-03-14 回答者: 巨蟹座幻想花园 3个回答
答:People didn't want to have his body eaten by fish and shrimps, so they threw rice balls into the river, which gradually developed into zongzi, glutinous rice dumpling.
2012-06-13 回答者: 云淡风清大小宝 1个回答 10
答:Nowadays, all parts of our country are opening to the outside. It's an easy thing to meet foreigners either on a street or in a mall. Our middle-school students are the pillar of our country, and also the reflection of people's quality. But to students who are busy with ...
2012-03-07 回答者: 京北高速 4个回答
问:老师们,同学们: 大家好!又是一年春草绿。在这个阳光明媚的清晨,我很...
答:这是一个向上、繁荣的时代,一个积极、和谐的时代。在这个时代里,我们要团结一致,昂首并行,争取为团组织、为旅游外事学校,增添更亮丽的光彩,用成绩证明我们的实力,用汗水创造未来!At such up-and-coming and harmonious era, we shall corporately moving forward, and gain more achievements for...
2011-03-30 回答者: xylitollee 5个回答 5

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