一首英文歌,英文歌词我不知道,但听歌词高潮的音是这样的:啊依呀 喔...
答:在中)多扩你衣次忒摸 有天)播苦哇内嘎衣次子kei路哟 在中)吗摸路卡啦 All)Ki卡sei dei吗不夕苦sei次那苦 Jio我内次dei ki啦没ki Bolero Ki米哇kei夕忒hi托宁家那衣卡啦 衣诺起诺卡gi里吗衣啊嘎累 在中)Ki米诺衣吧xio哇扩扩你啊路 All) 吗衣啊嘎累 Ki米诺卡那夕米摸 一哟撒...
2017-10-12 回答者: 美丽魔儿 5个回答 4
...歌词听不清好像大概的谐音是是在什么 高潮部分 si
问:求一首男的单独唱的英文歌节奏非常强烈很快 歌词听不清好像大概的谐音是...
答:MIKA - Touches You 无误,望=采=纳!http://music.baidu.com/song/119179166 You think you're better, you're better than me You blow me off as history To avoid conversation you're ignoring me When you've had enough and you need somebody to know Well, you're looking tough ...
2016-03-24 回答者: 做人要要厚道 1个回答
有一首英文歌是女的唱的,我不会英文 听过却忘了歌名 哪位高手知道 麻烦...
问:有一首英文歌是女的唱的,我不会英文 听过却忘了歌名 哪位高手知道 麻烦...
答:一切都很简单,把我带进你的心吧 Standing on a mountain high 站在高山上 Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 望着月亮,天空湛蓝 I should go and see some friends 我该去看望一下朋友 But they don't really comprehend 但是他们不会真正理解我的感受 Don't need too much ...
2010-11-10 回答者: 小小草小泥泥马 5个回答 8
答:首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌第1次听完了下在MP3上,听了半个月直到现在都想不通啊http://www.mtvtop.net/asp/smil/real01.asp?id=91917&url=mtvtop_27/backsboys022/003&bt=I Want It That Way4.She这是在我MP3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏,歌词,还是Groove ...
2009-08-06 回答者: 小雨山湖 4个回答 18
抖音上听到的一首英文歌,男声唱的,有句歌词是I am solo(soda)还是什么...
答:你不能接收这份恩泽 And leave the way you came 舍弃你来时的路 This is permanent with intent 这是带有意图的永恒 And there won't be no stopping it now 而且也不会有什么阻止它 I'm on a mission and it's heaven sent 我在完成上天给我的使命 In a world full of followers 在一...
2021-01-15 回答者: lhb198501088 4个回答 38
问:“卡莫”不是 come on,我试着用这个搜过了,还是搜不到,麻烦各位想想有...
答:歌曲come on 歌手the verve
2011-04-22 回答者: hbxfliwei 5个回答
最近有一首很流行的英文歌曲什么?到高潮的地方有一句歌词-di the...
答:在我耳边轻轻呢喃 And give me a sigh 再给我一个叹息 Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye 在离开我之前,请最后给我个吻 Don't you take it so hard now 不要觉得这样很艰难 And please don't take it so bad 也不要认为这不可理喻 I'll still be thinking of you 我会一直...
2020-01-16 回答者: byfrippy 8个回答 69
一首摇滚乐队英文歌,歌词结尾是idoido idoidoido,好像是u2的(不确定...
问:一首摇滚乐队英文歌,歌词结尾是idoido idoidoido,好像是u2的(不确定...
答:Blue - Keith Hanley Listen up here's a story About a little guy That lives in a blue world And all day and all night And everything he sees is just blue Like him inside and outside Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for...
2015-12-03 回答者: 樊诖辈 1个回答 1
答:Give Us a Little Love - Fallulah Where do we belong, where did we go wrong If there's nothing here, why are we still here?Where do we belong, where did we go wrong If there's nothing here, why are we still here?Where do we belong, where did we go wrong If there's...
2015-10-23 回答者: 慵懒的贤者 2个回答 5
答:[00:13.68]classic river 这首曲子虽然有人声和音,但是也可以归为纯音乐了。[00:31.50]每一次用心的聆听,都会被她那份忧伤所感染,回过神来,热泪早已凝眶……[00:46.17]<classic river>是一首经典的歌曲,是伤感的代表作。[00:57.75]第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜。[01:02.84...
2017-11-26 回答者: tambsb 12个回答 49

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