问:下面的中文翻译成英文词组(拒绝在线翻译软件) 1.列出 2.科学研究 3.一...
答:1.列出: make a list 2.科学研究: scientific research 3.一股气流: a burst of airflow 4.在那时代: in that age 5.下了决心做.. : make up one's mind to do 6.把..吸收到... : absorb something into 7.三个死者 : three deaths 8.作进一步调查 : make the further invest...
2008-09-07 回答者: qiu1965 3个回答 4
恳请英语高手帮我 将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就...
问:1、mechanical damage 1、protective devices(如光幕、传感器等)。 2...
答:mouth-muffle, effectively.6.Pressure vessel.1.Air compressor by national special equipment supervision regulation.2.The company has standardized management system.3.Employees in accordance with management system standard work. Effective.我是按照楼主给的顺序写的,希望楼主能看懂。望楼主采纳。
2011-01-10 回答者: 3116038311 4个回答 1
问:A你好 B你好,好久不见呀! C你好 A过得还好吗? BC不错呀。很好啊 D哦 ...
答:C为感谢他们给你出的学费?you want to do it because you are grateful that they pay for your school?B对呀 yup.D我也会觉得很感激又很抱歉的 i also feel grateful and sorry ABD:果然你想的最周到 That was so considerate and sweet of you.A不管怎样 幻想一下也很开心 no matter what...
2011-12-12 回答者: 慵懒猫咪不吃鱼 2个回答
问:The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death Bu...
答:却要装作对你毫不在意。而是以一颗冷漠的心 为深爱自己的人 挖掘无法跨越的鸿沟 OK!最后一句:Do we have to love our soul mate?难道我们只能两两相望?解析:如果这句话和上面的诗句相关,那么“两两相望”这样的翻译就比较符合文意了。两两相望却无法相依,可以表达相爱却无法在一起的疑惑和...
2006-09-18 回答者: 落月摇琴 9个回答 1
问:Dancing in the dark, middle of the night Taking your heart and hold...
答:And now that we're together 与你合为一体 I'm stronger than ever, I'm happy and free 我似乎好过任何一个时候,无比快乐和自由 Oh, it's a beautiful thing 哦这感觉多么美妙 Don't think I can keep it all in 别以为我能承受地了 I just gotta let you know 我只想让你了解 W...
2008-06-18 回答者: 7月3日晴 3个回答 2
问:帮我把这封信翻译成英文,不要网上的在线翻译。 麻烦自己动手打些字,麻...
答:Today, the wine so sweet, why be so sweet?I just still do not want to believe you now become fact.I am deeply immersed in endless grief, like a child lost his way Fuck it the dawn shit..Customary to call you by Jiu Jin, I'm still heart, because your voice.You do ...
2010-12-11 回答者: 殿堂丶新 1个回答 4
问:有没有英语高手?能不能帮我翻译一下下面的话: 我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,...
答:我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,但我身处两难…。现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…我已经不指望别人能理解,更不奢望得到原谅…。但我真的希望有一天你能够理解…希望有一天你会原谅…。我全心全意爱着你…,直到永远…。我帮你翻译的口语一点,顺口点 有感情点 句子顺序变一点...
2008-01-12 回答者: luck_babycorn 36个回答
问:谁能帮我找下pink floyd 的wish you were here的英文歌词``并且翻译成中...
答:能帮我翻译一下 谁能帮我找下pinkfloyd的wishyouwerehere的英文歌词``并且翻译成中文滴```谢谢捏!... 谁能帮我找下pink floyd 的wish you were here的英文歌词``并且翻译成中文滴```谢谢捏! 展开 3个回答 #热议# 先人一步,探秘华为P50宝盒 ...
2006-11-12 回答者: missing0616 3个回答 7
答:“你能帮助我吗?”翻译成英语是:Can you help me?“Can you help me?”的读法:1、用英式音标读作:[kæn] [juː] [help] [miː];2、用美式音标读作:[kæn] [ju] [hɛlp] [mi]。“你”的英文是:you;“能”的英文是:can;“帮助”的英文是:...
2019-09-25 回答者: bleachhyp 7个回答 45
答:Office Coordinator :1 Management the document , artical for use and accomadation in the office 2 Various document of adminstrative tentative and formulate in company ,arrangement and excutive the daily administrative affairs.3Receive and Register the client .4Familiar finacial ...
2012-07-11 回答者: zhangfan1993c 6个回答

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