问:每当看到有人开心的说我拿到驾照了!的时候我就想起我在驾校学车的日子: ...
答:人工翻译,望采纳:Whenever I see someone said happily that he got a driver's license !, I remind of my study in car driving school :My got driver's license is in China, where getting a driver's license must participate in training course and then take the exam. Only if ...
2016-11-30 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
问:老师们,同学们: 大家好!又是一年春草绿。在这个阳光明媚的清晨,我很...
答:这是一个向上、繁荣的时代,一个积极、和谐的时代。在这个时代里,我们要团结一致,昂首并行,争取为团组织、为旅游外事学校,增添更亮丽的光彩,用成绩证明我们的实力,用汗水创造未来!At such up-and-coming and harmonious era, we shall corporately moving forward, and gain more achievements for...
2011-03-30 回答者: xylitollee 5个回答 5
问:文章如下: 最近,我和同事们在研究中碰到一些难题,一直没有找到解决的...
答:procedure at the way of thinking, look at the issue from another angle, with new ways of thinking to solve the problem. Thanks to his father to give us guidance, gave me a lot of help. Our success is inseparable from his father's teachings.希望你能采纳 这是我自己打的 ...
2012-12-11 回答者: 914091696 4个回答
2019-10-23 回答者: sxc122cxy 2个回答 10
2010-01-02 回答者: h晓明5爱你 4个回答 1
...英语达人可以帮忙把以下歌词《萤火虫》翻译成英文?我们英语剧组很需 ...
答:萤火虫萤火虫慢慢飞 firefly firefly slowly 夏夜里夏夜里风轻吹 slight breeze goes in the deep 怕黑的孩子安心睡吧 go to sleep easily 让萤火虫给你一点光 let the firefly give you the shining 燃烧小小的身影在夜晚 burning its small body in the night 为夜路的旅人照亮方向 for the ...
2010-12-11 回答者: yiyehui 5个回答 5
问:you talk to me you speak with me don't sink before you rise baby do...
答:you talk to me 你对我说 you speak with me 你和我说 don't sink before you rise baby 不要在你起立之前沉沦 宝贝 don't fade away 不要逐渐消失 you hesitate 你在犹豫 you seem to wait 你好像在等待 for all the time we had 我们所拥有的那些时间 feels like a world away 感觉...
2008-09-03 回答者: gettheegg 6个回答
帮我翻译一下 急
问:My school has about 3323 students in six grades -----grades seven t...
2008-02-29 回答者: Gemini小猪 5个回答 2
答:My name is Zhang Wei, the English name is AMY, I am a very cute little girl. I am 12 years old this year, one in the sixth grade, I was high and thin, leaving the long hair I have a pair of big eyes, people say I am a pretty little girl. I have a skirt, red...
2008-07-20 回答者: 657703923 3个回答 3
答:this school have very good enviornment, professional teaching resources, rational amount of tuition and most of all, the major which is my favourite and the most suitable as far as I concern.
2014-08-28 回答者: fredliu123 1个回答 4

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