问:1、Jennifer想成为音乐家因为她很喜欢音乐。 2、Cindy想加入游泳俱乐部...
答:1.Jennifer wants to become a musician, because she likes music so much.2.Cindy wants to join swimming club.3.What club does he wants to join?4.Victor doesn't know violin and baseball.5.Does she gets along with her schoolmates?6.I often help my mum to do housechores.7....
2009-12-05 回答者: 我很废_才怪 4个回答 10
问:请帮忙把下面这两句话翻译成英文,需要是常用书信语气。 1、请提供你的...
答:1、请提供你的电子信箱,我把产品的详细资料发送给你。Please kindly provide your email address to me so that I can send our product catalog to you.2、我已经把产品资料发送到你的电子信箱,是否收到?请回复。I have sent our catalog to you by email,please kindly confirm your receipt ...
2007-02-26 回答者: coco800530 16个回答
问:百度翻译成:Proactive, aggressive, rigorous and pragmatic,是否合适...
答:positiveness、progress、preciseness、pragmaticalness 既有头韵又有尾韵,对仗工整,四个词都是名词性的,是比较贴切、符合英语的表达。本人英语专业八级,喜欢就采纳吧!
2015-07-15 回答者: Alinaquic 3个回答 2
问:1.他请求母亲给他买一辆自行车 2.我总在语法上犯错误 3.我没有做太多的...
答:1. He asked his mother to buy a bike.2. I always make grammatical mistakes.3. I do not have much composition exercise.4. To memerize of popular songs is also helpful.5. He found that watching films was frustrating because they spoke too fast....
2011-09-02 回答者: srlee 5个回答 4
问:Taylor‘s work was taking place in a time period when there was much...
答:而正是一次外出发表演讲的归途中,他在通风的卧铺车厢感染了肺炎,不久被夺去了59岁的生命。 泰勒所处的时代,特别是19世纪的最后数10年中,美国工业出现前所未有的资本积累和工业技术进步。但是,如何发展、组织、控制和管理这些工业资源的低劣方式严重阻碍了生产效率的提高。另一个问题是如何使劳动者...
2010-05-24 回答者: comprehensiom 3个回答
问:One needs to make a conscious decision as to how to balance financi...
答:人们需要有意识地决定如何平衡金融体系效率的可能性和严重性“意外事故” 。发病率不同的银行倒闭和经合组织国家的这一看法可能会有所不同风险的容忍程度。例如,在美国,银行确实有失败,即使失败的大型实体是罕见的。有仅两年自1934年以来没有银行倒闭时,在该国(即2005年和2006年) 。在高峰期的...
2009-05-04 回答者: Mr_Ali 6个回答 2
答:With laughter and tears with the joy of harvest and loss of melancholy, and perhaps a faint and sorrow, we send away by 2009. In the New Year bell will be rung soon, in the new students in 2010, recurring cheerful singing.In the past, we have the joy of success, and ...
2009-12-25 回答者: 咪咪乖乖小宝贝 3个回答 2
问:The Development Phase of the Marketing Strategy Specialization, Dif...
答:开发专科或核心业务时可能会要求的问题包括: • 什么是贵公司的卓越面积?• 贵公司的核心业务是?• 什么您确实不好?差异是一家公司的唯一性或竞争优势是其原因或客户购买特定产品或服务,原因之一。 最终,是这个问题 “ 为何应人购买此产品/服务从我们公司? ” 答案 客户采购...
2009-02-07 回答者: 小THANK 3个回答
请英文高手帮帮忙将这段文字翻译成英文,是我论文的摘要,跪谢!!!_百 ...
问:小学生数学应用意识的培养策略。 小学数学作为基础学科,是培养与提高人...
答:首先我觉得你的中文摘要最后一句最好改成下面这样子,你对原句进行下主谓分析,看看能否赞同。本文从探讨学生数学学习和现实生活的联系,引导学生从具体情境中抽象出数学问题,运用所学的数学知识解决实际问题等方面来研究关于小学生数学应用意识的培养。改成这样以后,相应的英文翻译为:The strategy for ...
2010-06-01 回答者: 晓斌11蓝猫 3个回答 1
把这句话翻译成英文? 你好,这款产品我们是有的,你购买后,我们...
问:请把这句话翻译成英文? 你好,这款产品我们是有的,你购买后,我们将给...
答:Hi, this product is available now. After the payment, we will send it to you. But because right now it is the Spring Festival, we are sorry that we have to dalay the time.如果是外国人建议问个新年好 Happy new year什么的 国外的服务很人性他们会习惯 这样说会让老外对店有好感...
2012-01-20 回答者: 抓羊的孤狼 6个回答

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