答:失约道歉信英语作文篇一:dear alan,i'm writing to apologize about last thursday. i am terribly sorry that i didn't go to see you, for i lost my wallet. anyway, i found it. but it was too late for the train. i had to take the bus. what a pity that i took a wrong...
2022-07-19 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:当然,你方是急着要货的。但是,需要量远远超过我们以往的经验,特向你方道歉!道歉方 X年X月X日 注意事项 事情原委要解释清楚。说明情况与理由,实事求是,简明扼要。态度诚恳。用词委婉,语气温和,得体。请把握写道歉信的几个原则,譬如,口气诚恳,说明清楚为何你觉得要道歉?以及日后你希望怎样补救?
2019-09-29 回答者: 小甜甜爱亮亮 1个回答 1
答:Hello, Mrs. Jones.你好,琼斯太太。I received your complaint.我收到了您的投诉。Due to the cold weather, many customers need to install or maintain the heating system.由于寒潮来临,许多客户需要安装或维修供暖系统。I was busy with these jobs, so I mistook the date of your central ...
2022-01-01 回答者: 琳琳姐192 1个回答
答:考友们都准备好公共英语考试了吗?本文“2017年公共英语三级作文模板:道歉信”,跟着来了解一下吧。要相信只要自己有足够的实力,无论考什么都不会害怕!2017年公共英语三级作文模板:道歉信 模板1:过去没有完成的事情 Dear ,I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to .The...
2022-11-18 回答者: 连林娥 1个回答
答:英语道歉信格式如下:Dear Dylan,I apologize for not arriving on time to pick you up from the airport yesterday afternoon. I have no excuse for keeping you waiting and wondering when your ride would show up.It’s important to me not to let people down when they’re depending on...
2022-11-29 回答者: 阿箐最喜欢耶啵 1个回答
答:现在的英语越来越普及,随着英语的不断深入,英语作文变得越来越重要,下列是一些英语作文供大家参考。道歉信英语范文1 From Joozone.Com's Directions: Suppose that Sarah, a friend of yours, has invited you to her birthday party, but you cannot go for some reason. Write a letter in ...
2017-12-16 回答者: 武夷山大道 1个回答 3
答:Dear prefect I am apologize for being rude to you. I hope you will five me. I promise to be polite to you. Hope you will five me and not giving me a punishment. If you give me a punishment I will beat you hit you punch you and use a knife to kill you. If you ...
2022-11-25 回答者: 巴傻gq38 1个回答
答:每个人都有疏忽给他人带来麻烦的时候,你了解该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家整理的,希望对大家有帮助。篇一 My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall. She is 42 years old this year. She is a nurse, so she is always very busy day and night. But she loves her ...
2022-09-30 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答
答:but I'll certainly be correct. Look at my future performance. I'll work harder you back 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:在昨天晚上,我和你们大吵了一架.现在我认识自己错了,在此特地向你们道歉.我知道我有时是很任性,但是我以后一定会改正.请看我以后的表现.我会更加努力回报你们 望采纳,十分感谢。
2017-07-08 回答者: 你好hahahahaha 1个回答 19
2023-04-21 回答者: 八嘎酱123 1个回答

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