问:从事公司代理产品的市场推广与售后服务; 对医疗器械市场营销, 渠道开发...
答:我有良好的沟通能力,具备很强的团队合作精神;我诚实正直、认真踏实;有较强的耐力和注重工作细节;我虽然不是医生,但是我同样关注人类的健康事业;我有很强的事业心、进取心和学习能力;我缺少的,只是一个舞台,一个能够让我的抱负、我的理想、我的能力得到施展的舞台。I have the good communication...
2008-05-14 回答者: pkq_kitty 5个回答
请帮我翻译一下这段英文 谢谢啦!!!感激不尽
问:ya your right all im sayin is i doubt austin wouldnt just beat up a...
答:你对我说你是我怀疑奥斯汀不只是打一个女孩没有理由,她probly操蛋的他对大的时间。真的谁在乎虽然 但更重要的是没有史蒂夫奥斯汀差点杀死她被上蹦来蹦去然后坐在她的胸部上面会让人窒息的吗?从地狱逃出来的她…
2010-12-05 回答者: 你哈我局 1个回答
请帮我这段中文翻译英文 谢谢
问:是写一封信.. 很高兴收到你的来信,抱歉这么久才回复,因为我很久没去看我...
答:I am very happy to recieve your letter, I apologize for taking so long to reply, because for a very long time I have not been checking my mails. How are you doing there? The days when you are not here, another teacher have replaced you, but we don't like her much, ...
2007-07-20 回答者: 本甜透 5个回答 1
答:hold it.写了我1个小时啊~~~不给我太对不起我了。。。有些地方不好翻译,有所改动,但是文章的意思没有变。还有那个“于师”是于师傅还是于老师啊???我写的是老师,如果是于师傅可以换成master Yu 机器翻译楼主应该看得出来,什么“Jinxiao Men wrestling,进校门摔跤比赛”的 ...
2008-10-29 回答者: 258507640 49个回答 12
答:With the development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, China's supermarket chain has entered a period of rapid development. However, the supermarket chain logistics in China there are many aspects of common problems. Uniform distribution ...
2009-05-29 回答者: ﹏桔姩徃倳シ 2个回答
问:故事有点老套,大家给点耐心哦! 因为一次小小的意外,男孩爱上了这个当...
答:Because of a small accident, the boy has fallen in love with the girlwhich this initially certainly not too cared about, this spot loveItaly spread, also how no matter that girl did think, continuouslysilently was paying for her. However unfortunately, a this girl'sintimate good ...
2007-08-26 回答者: 原来如此HAHA 4个回答
答:Brand is one of the main culture representations in social consumption. Brand image plays a leading role in consumption and slection.1. Among the many effects from society, cuture, effect from brand symbol system is the leading one.2. Brand was originally serving as a trademark, ...
2009-04-11 回答者: StriverSteve 5个回答 4
答:这是我最新下载的翻译机器的作品,希望你喜欢。April 8, Guangdong Province, the first reading of teaching English in primary schools will exchange Shiqi primary school in the fourth floor of the Studio Building was held. From Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Dongguan, the five teachers and ...
2008-04-23 回答者: 湛蓝使者 3个回答 1
问:非常高兴收到你 的回信.我很希望我们能有机会合作.我们公司 的导游有能...
答:ability as the translation of the business activity, they all have experience of the business translation.But the business translation price would be slightly a little bit and expensive, concrete price I give you on Monday.真是累死了 靠!翻了一上午,要是不给我我跟你急+BS ...
2006-11-25 回答者: Flamehaze521 4个回答
答:In this era of rapid development of information, as one of the most classic single chip micro-controller, microcontroller technology has spread to our lives, work, research in various fields, has become a relatively mature technology. Since the advent of single chip, continuously ...
2011-05-26 回答者: 我是小人物忘拉 2个回答

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