答:Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity在困境中寻找成功的希望 These are what I do:1.There is no better school than adversity.Every defeat,every heartbreak,every loss,contains its own seed,its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time.Never again w...
2019-06-28 回答者: 瞿琨鄢光临 1个回答
问:不限题目 不限内容 在线等
答:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to be here to share my opinions with all of you. My topic today is about Internet.正文 With the development of technology, more and more people are fond of using Internet. It is particularly popular among young people. Just l...
2017-11-23 回答者: 789654321000 1个回答 125
答:英语毕业演讲稿(一)Dear schoolmates,亲爱的同学们,I will graduate soon, and I express my feelings here before I leave school. Learning in this school is a very enjoyable and meaningful experience for me. In the past three years, I have understood the pleasure of efforts and ...
2022-08-08 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答
2011-12-31 回答者: 包谷cs 5个回答 12
答:美国高中生活全貌 高中 在美国,初中学业一结束就进入高中,包括9到12年级。学生们要完成某些必修课,如英语、社会学、数学、自然科学和体育,此外,学生们选修一些课程来完成高中教育。选修科目有应用科学、音乐、美术和外语。每位学生在学校都有自己的储物柜,用来存放书本或私人物品。这下可方便了,学生...
2010-07-13 回答者: WXY66888 2个回答 1
答:好的演讲稿可以引导听众,使听众能更好地理解演讲的内容。随着社会不断地进步,演讲稿应用范围愈来愈广泛,那么一般演讲稿是怎么写的呢?下面是我为大家整理的英语演讲稿范文带翻译三篇,欢迎大家分享。 英语演讲稿范文带翻译三篇1 Most people would like to be popular with others,but not everyone can achieve thi...
2022-08-14 回答者: 折翼的小2B41 1个回答
答:a dream I remember when I was young; my mother often described the beauty of the grasslands through this poem: “tian cang cang, ye mang mang,feng chui cao di xian niu yang”. it means in English “Clear skies, sweeping plains, the grass bowing before the wind, revealing...
2012-09-13 回答者: 水晶之焰1234 1个回答
求一篇高中英语演讲稿,<<changes around us>>
答:Great changes has happend nearly this years.With the economy and science developed at a very speed,we can feel something increased in our lives that we can enjoy our lives better.the road got to broader,the mansion and building changed to more and more,even the atmosphere and ...
2012-12-10 回答者: princessdanny 3个回答 1
高中英语演讲稿范文5分钟 在线等 有录音更好啊
答:第十一届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——曹丰 Our Future: A Battle between Dreams and Reality Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:When I was in the primary school, I have a dream. I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at ...
2011-04-30 回答者: xyzszdd 1个回答 6
答:金钱能买来幸福吗-Can Money Buy Happiness?Can Money Buy Happiness?Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort ...
2017-11-26 回答者: 蓝草莓的清香 2个回答 24

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