英文道歉信800词 我是个学生,我犯错误了,敲了老师的门,打扰了老师休息...
答:Dear Ms XX Hello!Because of my naughty and let your bad mood, I sincerely say sorry to you, I hope you forgive me. I can assure you that is not beyond the classroom is no longer a naughty! Hope you will accept my apology!XX ...
2015-01-11 回答者: 老百姓是tian 1个回答 2
跪求 误会朋友的英文道歉信
答:Dear My friend,I am sincerly sorry about what happend to us. That was all due some misunderstanding issues.I was wrong. So wish you forgive me and wish our friendship last forever.Best Regards yours XXX
2011-01-19 回答者: kunliswift 3个回答 2
答:I’ll write to the Consumer Association.Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文。假设你是李华,最近跟父母去国外旅行时所居住的旅馆服务不好。请根据以下要点提示:旅馆老板一封英文投诉信, l空调无法关掉; 2浴室不干净;3.晚上周围噪音很大...
2014-11-10 回答者: 温柔_細焿96 1个回答 8
朋友的英文道歉信 昨天和朋友吵架了。写信向他道歉,表示遗憾,建议会面...
答:July,28th Dear friend,I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have quarreled with you. I think some mistakes happened to us and they would influence our friendship.I can't lose you,dear friend.I hope we should make an appointment tomorrow and deal with these problems.I'm ...
2011-07-28 回答者: rhggjyj 11个回答 8
答:老师的英文道歉信范文【1】Dear Miss Nancy,Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.Hoping to see you soon.Truly yours,Tom 给老师的英文道歉信范文...
2022-07-23 回答者: 於山菱 1个回答
答:在此并为我辜负了领导的关心和培养,以及我的疏忽和糊涂给领导造成的麻烦表示深深的歉意。今后我一定要以此为训,在工作中认真把好质量关,保护公司利益。问题十:昨天把领导得罪了,想写一封道歉信给领导 怎么写啊~~ 首先要承认错误,诚恳点,再提出可不可以让他以后缩短会议时间,
2022-10-30 回答者: 嗳情啖了﹎352 1个回答
答:Dear hello!Mr.Smith!you are son of a bitch!Fuck!Fuck you!old man!you looking so bad.but Why don't you go to hell?Son of a bitch!You Confiscate my marijuana!Your penis is only 3CM!Go hell!Go to hell!!Let me give you an apology!? Why don't you go fuck ...
2014-12-25 回答者: 油腻的师姐217 1个回答 20
求一篇 上课迟到的英文道歉信
答:Apology from 亲爱的老师:Dear teacher:对不起,我因为今天有些事情所以耽搁了上课,我是无意的,王老师您原谅。Sorry,I because today some things so delayed in class,I was unintentional,teacher wang you forgive.祝 I wish 身体健康!Health!您的学生:Your students:
2019-09-07 回答者: 邢宁蓟烟 1个回答 4
假如你是一名销售经理,你必须顾客写一封道歉信关于汽车引擎问题英文版 ...
2020-03-08 回答者: free小果果824 1个回答 1
答:but I'll certainly be correct. Look at my future performance. I'll work harder you back 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:在昨天晚上,我和你们大吵了一架.现在我认识自己错了,在此特地向你们道歉.我知道我有时是很任性,但是我以后一定会改正.请看我以后的表现.我会更加努力回报你们 望采纳,十分感谢。
2017-07-08 回答者: 你好hahahahaha 1个回答 19

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