把这句话翻译成英文? 你好,这款产品我们是有的,你购买后,我们...
问:请把这句话翻译成英文? 你好,这款产品我们是有的,你购买后,我们将给...
答:Hi, this product is available now. After the payment, we will send it to you. But because right now it is the Spring Festival, we are sorry that we have to dalay the time.如果是外国人建议问个新年好 Happy new year什么的 国外的服务很人性他们会习惯 这样说会让老外对店有好感...
2012-01-20 回答者: 抓羊的孤狼 6个回答
问:The Development Phase of the Marketing Strategy Specialization, Dif...
答:开发专科或核心业务时可能会要求的问题包括: • 什么是贵公司的卓越面积?• 贵公司的核心业务是?• 什么您确实不好?差异是一家公司的唯一性或竞争优势是其原因或客户购买特定产品或服务,原因之一。 最终,是这个问题 “ 为何应人购买此产品/服务从我们公司? ” 答案 客户采购...
2009-02-07 回答者: 小THANK 3个回答
请英文高手帮帮忙将这段文字翻译成英文,是我论文的摘要,跪谢!!!_百 ...
问:小学生数学应用意识的培养策略。 小学数学作为基础学科,是培养与提高人...
答:首先我觉得你的中文摘要最后一句最好改成下面这样子,你对原句进行下主谓分析,看看能否赞同。本文从探讨学生数学学习和现实生活的联系,引导学生从具体情境中抽象出数学问题,运用所学的数学知识解决实际问题等方面来研究关于小学生数学应用意识的培养。改成这样以后,相应的英文翻译为:The strategy for ...
2010-06-01 回答者: 晓斌11蓝猫 3个回答 1
问:看花展 10月1日我和我的爸爸妈妈一起去看花展,到了那我们看到了很多花,...
答:On October 1, I and my Mom and Dad to look at the flower show, we see a lot of flowers, chrysanthemum, Lily, Rose ... I look at the dazzling ah!We also went to the tree Show, where different tree shape, as Ma; The signs grass. Good read.This is my October 1!Nat...
2007-10-03 回答者: 惟美孤独 2个回答 3
问:欢迎各位参加“绿城育华第一届学生会领袖论坛”。 我们学校将为大家提供一...
答:Welcome to the "Greentown Yuhua First Union Leaders Forum."Our school will provide you a platform for mutual exchange and learning. Enable students to fully display their wisdom and aura of the idea of promoting unity and cooperation and mutual learning.The forum activities, mainly in...
2010-10-20 回答者: 妖术VS巫毒 2个回答
答:as a result of the company's business license, the organization code, tax registration certificate of the legal representative has not changed over, the bank refused to replace our bank signature card. If the old bank signature card is changed to the new legal representative will...
2012-09-26 回答者: z1991yue 2个回答
问:献给在地震中遇难孩子们的父母 爸爸妈妈,大地撕裂的那一刻 您们受惊了...
答:可是,这已成为奢望 But all is in vain 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,不要哭 Dear mom and dad, please don't cry 我正在路上 I am right on my way 去一个地方,叫天堂 To a place called heaven 听说 It is said 那里没有灾难 There is no disaster there 可是 But, mom and dad 天堂纵然美丽 E...
2008-06-01 回答者: Rhapsodia晚枫 3个回答
2016-03-21 回答者: 琳述 1个回答 4
问:中文名称:母女情深 英文名称:Terms of Endearment 别名:亲密关系,常...
答:Terms of Endearment 该片是一部旨在以人生酸甜苦辣来诠释母女复杂亲情关系的温馨小品。This movie interprets, in a soothing way, the complicated endearment between mother and daughter, based on the happy, sad,embarassed moment of the life.内容讲述一对深爱着对方的母女罗拉和艾玛,孀居的中年...
2008-11-08 回答者: jimtony1 2个回答 2
问:1.但愿时光倒流 2.夜幕降临,人们都行色匆匆。街上,只有几盏昏暗发黄的...
答:楼上几位能人已尽力为你解惑了。本来也不想再凑热闹,但又想从另一个角度让您斟酌斟酌。但愿时光倒流,其实就是渴望回溯过去,是否可以考虑:1. How I wish to retreat in time;How I wish to go back in time; 或 How to wish to double back in time.2.夜幕降临,人们都行色匆匆。街上...
2012-07-16 回答者: andychewbj 14个回答 3

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