答:The Ant Bully It does, however, have a few decent things going its way. The animation is, for the most part, as dazzling as we’ve come to expect with our computer-created treats; the character design is attractive and admirable, and the “cave art” scenes (in which Lucas...
2011-09-25 回答者: 望风冷月 3个回答 15
答:功夫熊猫 This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior. 这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎么成为一个真正的龙武士的。At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.起初,师傅不相信熊猫能成为...
2017-02-08 回答者: 棋盘上的小棋子 1个回答 294
答:Last night, I saw a great film, Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film, by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded, and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who encourages Gump ...
2014-08-27 回答者: 恩哼54 2个回答 13
答:attitude in any hard period 假如给我三天光明读后感 《假如给我三天光明》主要讲述了又盲又聋的海伦·凯勒坎坷的一生,以及她的心路历程。这篇文章给我最大的启示是: 一、要正确地对待困难,每个人一生中都会遇到困难。.二、尽力地完成每一件事。三、在任何逆境里要有乐观向上的良好心态。
2022-10-04 回答者: 胆碳椭82 1个回答
问:最好——尖峰时刻、尖峰时刻2、速度与激情6、速度5 回头一定加芬!!!!...
答:速度与激情6影评 This movie started off really well, however, it was set off course after the action started. I have to warn those that watched the trailers on television, because they spoiled every exciting scene from the movie. I would not consider myself an avid fan, but I ...
2013-08-29 回答者: 残帆影 3个回答
答:2011-10-31 电影≤弱点≥英文观后感 73 2013-11-12 求电影《弱点》影评,字数150左右 2015-12-01 求美国电影《红字》剧情介绍或者影评,英文 3 2015-02-28 怒求the fall (电影,李佩斯主演的)的英文梗概、感想... 4 2012-01-08 关于电影《弱点》的资料,观后感,影评,个人感想等等。急急急! 3 2016...
2021-09-16 回答者: 艾小呆的我 3个回答 11
美国那个花木兰电影英语观后感 要求120字 初级水平就行 救命啊...
答:《花木兰》观后感 花木兰的事迹传至今,主要应归功于《木兰辞》这一方民歌绝 唱,是这篇长篇叙事诗歌颂了花木兰女扮男装替父从军的传奇故事。现在更有许多人将它拍成了电影,千古流传。战争产生英雌,在世无男英雄的情况下,便会有女英雄,北魏与柔然战争没有突出的男人,就有了突出的女英雄花木兰...
2010-11-02 回答者: yz330 1个回答 37
答:Even wanted to travel to the center of the earth? I am sure not many would have even thought of this. If it is travelling to a different country especially a popular tourist destination then I am sure all people will be willing. Even if it is a popular shopping destination ...
2015-04-13 回答者: 凡尘丶頥鬝 1个回答 1
答:I went in to this thinking another gross movie with gross humor. Telling from my first sentence I don't like that humor and this movie had it's moments but I loved it. Justin Long has really never done comedy like this, where he's sarcastic and clever and I loved it. ...
2013-04-18 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 8
答:that scene was also funny. Even, the Rhinos were superb. The Voice of Soto and Diego, was superb and it was a harsh voice given by the people. The melon scene and the sliding scene were funny. I should Really appreciate the creators of "Ice Age".翻译: 这部电影完全是有...
2017-11-22 回答者: 宁波四中周耀龙 2个回答 31

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