问:第一个: 如果我是一雨滴的话…… 那么,我能够像把不曾交会的 天空与大地...
答:1.If I am raindrop ...That, my could look like not once hand over the meeting the sky and the earth connect such ...Connects somebody heart?2. If you regard as others are the devil, then you on life in hell.If you regard as others are the angel, then you on life ...
2007-07-23 回答者: 不爱飞的千纸鹤 3个回答 1
请问谁能帮我一下皮蛋瘦肉粥的做法的中文步骤并翻译成英文啊 ?
答:(3)所有的配料,如姜丝、香葱等,没有一成不变的规定和做法,都可以依个人口味适当调整或增减。 (3) All of the ingredients, such as ginger, onion and so on, there is no hard and fast rules and practices, can be adjusted according to personal taste, or increase or decrease.(4...
2013-07-05 回答者: 知道网友 2个回答 10
答:My Chinese name is zhiyang chen参考资料:中国名字姓一般在名字的后边 这个说法比较地道..^_^
2007-11-12 回答者: tomato965 10个回答
有一首英文翻译成中文叫《不能停止看你》 麻烦帮忙翻译一下
答:<The Blower's Daughter >--歌名《黑管老师的女儿》送上歌词及翻译:And so it is Just like you said it would be Life goes easy on me Most of the time 就是这样 就像你曾说过的一样 在大多数时候 我的人生就是如此(我的生命在我身边轻易溜走)And so it is The shorter story No ...
2011-11-15 回答者: 463448234 5个回答 1
问:四. 去向问题 1) How long will you study in USA? How long you plan t...
答:给我三个你会回国的理由?你为什么不会留在美国?在你完成你的PHD学业后,你将是一个美国工程师!!你怎样使我相信你一定会回来?理由一定要过硬、真诚。发挥想象力,想出一个自己都信以为真、梦中笑醒的美好未来。4) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn‘t come back?你能解释为什么90%...
2008-07-26 回答者: Opportunity_ 6个回答 2
问:My Dearest one, Compliment of the day I am more than happy in your ...
答:你可以叫我Mercy Jacob小姐,我来自中非Dafur的苏丹共和国,我是一名单身的基督徒,我也是Jacob Johnson先生唯一的女儿。我今年22岁。我父亲死在了上次我国(苏丹)发生的暴乱中。他是政府的一名高级官员,但很不幸的成了被反叛者杀死的受害人之一。不过我现在住在达喀尔(塞内加尔),我是为了逃避持续的战争...
2009-02-22 回答者: eilivia920 6个回答 5
...的英文麻烦大家帮我翻译成中文 我想领悟一下歌词的含义.如果有...
答:When they get to the part 当他们 唱到一个地方 Where he,s breaking her heart, 令她伤心断肠, It can really make me cry, 这真 能叫我哭出来, Just like before, 正如从前一样, It’s yesterday once more。 仿佛昔 日又重来 Looking back on how it was 回头 看 In years go...
2016-02-13 回答者: 西距 2个回答 6
答:In the near future, a young hackers Neo (Keanu Reeves) found that seemingly normal from the real world is actually a "matrix" of the computer-controlled artificial intelligence system, people like He, like grazing animals. Robinho will be on the network to find on the "matrix" ...
2008-05-11 回答者: 洒男孩 2个回答
答:A: you know, coming to our university for A C?B: C is who? Don't know!A: you don't know him? He is our professional direct senior oh! Last year after graduation I have never seen him, he is said to have entered a television when the host!B: wow, it seems that ...
2013-12-01 回答者: cn#GupLVLkGa 3个回答
问:①The Prisoner Was Not Let In There is a prison in Iceland, which al...
答:如果他们不许诺,他们就不能再出去。 一个晚上, 有一个囚犯被他家人邀请去吃晚餐,但是这个囚犯要工作。因此他非常晚的回到监狱。在警卫来让他进来之前,他必须敲门几次。 警卫最不喜欢在这个时间作为麻烦, 因此他愤怒地对囚犯说,"如果你再次这样晚回来,我将不让你走"。②一顿便宜的饭 一个人...
2006-12-03 回答者: 得意cindy女孩 7个回答 5

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