答:front of everybody,and then I realized how big the mistake I have made, so I am here to apologize and I mean it.我真的为我那天的行为感到很抱歉,我当时太害羞了,没敢在大家面前表达自己的感受,后来我意识到了自己的错误,所以在此我真心地道歉。应该不用写很长吧,望采纳,谢谢。
2014-07-10 回答者: goaheadyear 1个回答 2
给mary 写一封道歉信我没有来参加你的生日宴会英语作文80字
答:Dear Zhang,I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time. I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening...
2015-01-27 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 3
问:You are supposed to be a very important presentation today .However...
答:哈哈哈哈我常常就因为懒而逃课。这种道歉信常常写。以下的我就是写因为过敏了所以来不及。Dear (老板名字),I understand that I had to do an important presentation, however I missed such an important event. I am terribly sorry about my absence!The truth is I am actually allergic to ...
2014-07-19 回答者: ___芙罗塔 3个回答 2
英语给老师写一封道歉信 说明没有按时完成作业的原因 60字左右_百 ...
问:RT 在线等 谢谢大虾们
答:Dear Teacher,I am sorry that I fail to submit my homework on time, because I forgot the deadline of it/ I left it at home./ I was sick/ I have a family emergency (my mom is sick...).I would like to offer my heart-felt apologies for breaking your rule on homeworks...
2008-06-22 回答者: 入南缨 2个回答 6
答:Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for myself. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them...
2013-12-22 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 3
问:你和陈先生约好在本周五下午进行商务会谈(business talk),可是你临时...
答:we have not seen for a few weeks. A few days ago, I held a party in my house. There were a lot of friends coming to the party. We played games, sang popular songs and had a big meal. But I felt unhappy during the party, for I failed to invite my best friend, you...
2016-07-04 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 8
答:Zhang Dali:I am sorry not to attend yesterday's birthday you will, allow me to explain reasons for this: Originally, I'm ready to go to your birthday, but I did not have prior notice of an old friend I come to my house, I also do not off open body, I can only ...
2009-06-29 回答者: 蒲公英omy 2个回答 21
答:Dear Sir,I am writing to give my apologies to you for having skipped last Thursday's class.Last Thursday was a bad day to me. When I got up that morning, I found that I was not quite myself. My mother sent me to the hospital and had me examined. Surprisingly, I was ...
2010-12-06 回答者: 注册问问真麻烦 1个回答 6
答:Hello,Mr Brown !I am writing to apologize to you for my playing with cellphone in your class.Then I have something important so I want to deal with it .But I know it is my fault .So I beg your
2020-08-25 回答者: 望炳戴正文 1个回答 1
答:纯手写,仅供参考.Dear XXX,I 'm very sorry for losing the book I borrowed from you two days ago.(第一句表达你的歉意)For I went to a public library and forgot to take the book.(这句话是说你怎么弄掉的,随便编) I promise I will buy you a new one tomorrow without fail....
2022-06-17 回答者: 蚊子193040 1个回答

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