问:一个搞笑视频,里面的对白不多,但我不是很懂,请帮忙翻译一下. http://www...
答:Jack:好吧,这样比较快...(脱掉裤子露出小弟弟)Arwen : oh, my god.Arwen:喔!天啊!Boromir: it is a gift.Boromir:真是天赋异「柄」!Jack : you're damn right, it's a gift Jack:你说的一点儿也没错,这是我最骄傲的天赋 ^^ Jack : it's called a "Prince Albert,"Jack:...
2006-09-17 回答者: samlon_0 2个回答 3
问:请用英语和韩语分别翻译,以下是要翻译的原文句子: 对不起,6月1日深夜...
答:参考:Sorry, on June 1 late in night, my computer is out of order , the network is interrupted, can not return to your information , do harm to you in time long have waited. I am afraid that you worry about that I find your mobile telephone number thereupon on Skype , ...
2009-06-03 回答者: yxt1987jiayou 11个回答 5
问:我的毕业论文里需要这段文字的英文,请求高手帮个忙.文字如下: 内容摘要...
答:The development content is widespread, the form diverse English extracurricular activity and so on 在新课程标准下的小学英语教学中,教师要培养和保持学生较浓的学习兴趣,应该把握良机,渲染英语课堂气氛,引发学生的兴趣和求知欲;充分研究教材,认真备课,在各教学环节中增加趣味性;注重“以人为本”...
2006-08-26 回答者: 雀圣2 5个回答
问:The term 'machine translation' (MT) refers to computerized systems ...
答:The term 'machine translation' (MT) refers to computerized systems responsible for the production of translations with or without human assistance.【术语"机器翻译"指的是负责在有人(或无人)协助下生成翻译的电脑系统。】It excludes computer-based translation tools which support translators by ...
2010-12-21 回答者: styuco 5个回答 2
问:(Tasha:Commander,come in!Commander! …Dammit,Will,talk to me! Will:T...
答:You是right.He是个好人。 ...很抱歉。请问:你不必道歉,Tasha.I'米只是很高兴,你知道。塔莎:船长给了他对我们的生活,所以现在我将与供应商供应的斗争可能是Rubinelle,但我们在同一侧now.I会发现所有的人谁杀了你的队长,我会报仇! 塔莎:好的,你鬼子!我gonna来在那里每一次爆炸.....
2009-11-20 回答者: wudibingbao 3个回答 1
问:1.Pull your cartridge or cartridges out of the printer and face the...
2009-07-14 回答者: qwzx1238 3个回答 1
谁能帮我翻译一下这英文 ,急急急~~~!
问:Tom lived in the country , and he loved swimming in a small river n...
答:Their new house had a garden , but the garden was very small . Tom was not very happy .他们在城市的新房子虽然有个花园,但是美中不足的是花园却非常小。汤姆因此觉得有点郁闷。“Is there a river near here ? ”he asked his mother on the first day .“这附近有河吗?”刚搬家的...
2010-09-08 回答者: 公主qq 5个回答 8
问:Talking Turkey 吃过火鸡吗?没吃过火鸡肉还没见过火鸡跑吗?可能也没见...
答:Have you ever ate a turkey? If not,you must have seen it ,have not you ?Of course, you may not see it ever.Then let us talk about turkey.Turkey is a bird which has a big head,it is a taditional delicious of Thanks Given Day .But what is the meaning of talking ...
2012-04-11 回答者: 河海洋king 3个回答
问:where xi is the level setting of factor i, bi, bii and bij represen...
答:模型是只及2k + 1/2k ( K - 1的) ,这是平等日至14日为 四因素设计。更合适的设计估计回归 系数的情况下数量有限的点的 中央综合设计,坐落于面对中心的超立方体 [ 22 ] ,组成由三部分组成: ( 1 )完全因子的一部分,双组分的顶点; ( 2 )轴向的一部分及2k点,收于原产地,每个 ...
2008-06-07 回答者: 滈尒凾 4个回答
问:翻译这段话,如果有错误麻烦指出来,感激涕零!!!!!!!!! Tom asked his m...
答:汤母让他的妈妈给他一美元 "What are you going to do with the money?"你用这些钱做什么?I'm going to give it to a poor woman down the road,"我想给街下面的那个贫困妇女 he answered 他回答道 You are a very good boy,"你真是个好孩子(按意思也可译为你真善良)"Here you are...
2006-12-16 回答者: mxylzzf 4个回答 2

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