问:Dear Ms.Joyce, 我有和我们的塑胶部门和采购确认,这款产品我们没有更改...
答:手工翻译,希望对你有帮助,放心点击采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!祝你工作顺利O(∩_∩)O哈!词汇:底座:base 接线:seal line Dear Ms Joyce,Please kindly note that I have confimred with our purchase department that we don´t revised any material for this product, it only has the common...
2011-08-26 回答者: xiao4758360 8个回答
问:五、 项目申请单位资质 (一) 项目申请单位应具有完善的研究、开发和设...
答:(一) 项目申请单位应具有完善的研究、开发和设计条件,较强的创新能力和较高的研发投入;( a ) units for the project should have the research, development and design, R & D and strong innovation ability and high input;(二) 拥有技术水平高、精通英语、国际合作经验丰富的专业带头人;(...
2013-07-05 回答者: 怡清10 2个回答
答:我想今天本该是一个美好的星期日,我以为我能好好睡一觉,然后做完作业,洗个澡。I think today would have be a beautiful Sunday, I thought I could have a good sleep, and then finish operation, a bath. 没想到,早上却被该死的电话吵醒,数学老师叫我去考试(那是奥数班的考试,但我没...
2010-03-14 回答者: 露露的天下 3个回答 1
2013-08-28 回答者: zfy1035655702 5个回答 1
问:故事有点老套,大家给点耐心哦! 因为一次小小的意外,男孩爱上了这个当...
答:Because of a small accident, the boy has fallen in love with the girlwhich this initially certainly not too cared about, this spot loveItaly spread, also how no matter that girl did think, continuouslysilently was paying for her. However unfortunately, a this girl'sintimate good ...
2007-08-26 回答者: 原来如此HAHA 4个回答
答:World War II revived the nightmare of the European people, the theme of all soak into fit to rebuild their homes in the ruins of the sweat and tears, the traumata everywhere, everywhere the dark, even the sky is gray. At this point, "茜茜公主" appeared, that gorgeous color,...
2009-05-25 回答者: 荭魟 3个回答 1
答:A French old man and his granddaughter live in the ancient buildings of stone.The old man and his granddaughter live together.Part of the fall, they were a German officer requisition.Quiet life has been destroyed, however, the German officer appears to be polite.He said the first...
2013-10-16 回答者: orochi2014 3个回答
问:Germany’s value added is based on a market economy with high propor...
答:一般来说,雇员工作时间少于一星期40小时并且可以每年有至少4个礼拜的休假。通常情况是,雇员在退休之前应达到法定退休年龄(现在是65岁)。正在工作和正在寻找工作的人占总人口的一半以下。依据各种计算的数据统计,平均每一年的失业率已经达到9%,并且再未来年度仍会上升。【29、27】Business-related ...
2009-05-08 回答者: fy_0513 2个回答 1
问:哪位亲能帮我把这段话翻译成标准的英文: 1、组织和安排各类会议,撰写...
答:1.Organizing and arranging for all kinds of conferences;composing and listing conference notifications, notes and work reports;2.Dealing with and saving documents & collecting and listing files 3.Answering and transferring calls; Dealing with all kinds of communications as calls ,emails and...
2010-04-22 回答者: kathyzihan 3个回答 2
问:读《秘密花园》有感 暑假里我读了《秘密花园》。这是一部讲述一个关于美...
答:In summer holiday,I read <秘密花园>.The story is talk about a good heart and the magic in the real life.Marry leaft with her parents,but she never enjoy her parents'love.仆人are very 百依百顺to her,it let her 任性and 乖戾.When she met a 秘密and 废弃 garden,her friends ...
2009-08-12 回答者: 桃花不逊国宝 4个回答

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