答:Korea will be another starting point in my life. I will finish my study in this beautiful country and it will be the foundation for my success.这全是自己翻译的,除了青岛科技大学机电工程学院 机械工学 机械制造领域 教育体质 这些属于专有名词之类的才上网翻译。这些词语问老师比较准确。
2014-03-14 回答者: Cofee_M 4个回答
问:摘要: 色彩本身是没有灵魂的,它只是一种物理现象,但人们却深深感受到...
答:The color itself is not the soul, it is a physical phenomenon, but people are deeply felt emotion, this is because the people living in a colorful world, the accumulation of a lot of visual experience, thus causing a feeling in the heart. Each color has its own characteristics...
2013-05-12 回答者: 路明非yp 2个回答 2
答:纯手工翻译 注:四个“特别”要翻译成英文的话,显得很不地道,毕竟是中式表达,硬要翻译的话会显得啰嗦重复,所以我把它浓缩了一下,变成了“两个”特别("Two very much"):一个从正面说,另一个从反面说的。至于山/寨这个词的翻译,由于中文文化的影响力越来越大,shanzhai这个词也得到外国人...
2009-10-11 回答者: atlas_young 4个回答 7
问:内 容 摘 要 随着人们对中小企业技术创新重要性的认识不断提高,促进中...
答:unified mid- and small-scale enterprise technology innovation management structure system, provides the good legal safeguard and the policy environment for mid- and small-scale enterprise the technology innovation, establishes the good public service system.用翻译工具的,不对不要批我......
2007-06-02 回答者: zcgws1212 2个回答
问:帮忙翻译一下下面的英文! Suppose there will be a lecture qiwen by P...
答:来自上海大学的Qi Qiang教授将于本周五上午9点在文科教学楼就"如何在求职面试中取得成功"举办一个讲座。一、Suppose there will be a lecture qiwen(将要举行一个演讲)二、by Professor Qi Qiang from Shanghai University(上海大学的Qi Qiang教授)三、on the subject of(主题是)四、How to ...
2020-08-07 回答者: 晓龙修理 6个回答
问:We have established in this paper some results related to the fault...
答:英语 » 中文(简体) 翻译 更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 我们已成立了在这个文件中的一些相关的结果容错笛卡尔乘积网络。 1构造方法的最大宽度容器,在产品的网络已被描述随着计算的最高和最低的路径长度,在...
2008-05-18 回答者: happy玲珑 2个回答
问:我需要这几段英语的完整翻译。英语好的请帮帮忙,O(∩_∩)O谢谢啦! We ch...
2009-11-03 回答者: 549534225 4个回答
答:About Us Guangzhou xx Houseware Co., Ltd. is located in "China South Gate," said the Guangzhou City, since its inception, we have been working on the indoor environment clean, healthy, comfortable, beautiful, focusing on intelligent, humane products development and sales. Company to...
2014-06-21 回答者: 攒鄱桜 2个回答
问:请一定要给我准确的翻译!不要网上软件翻译的!谢谢了O(∩_∩)O~ 各位老师...
答:along lake side to enjoy scenery and beauty.I hope I can study and live with my teachers and classmates here. I am not excelletn but I will make evry effort. I belive : no best but better.直接翻译就是这个样子,不过本人还是建议你调整下你的语序使通篇看起来有条理一些。
2011-09-22 回答者: 千年老醋坛 4个回答 2
问:对2006年世界杯与2008年欧洲杯足球赛运动员犯规特点的比较研究 中文摘要...
答:Of the 2006 World Cup and 2008 European Cup athletes foul of the comparative study of the characteristics of English Abstract The purpose of a football match and anti-goals are goals. To scramble for the ball, time and space characteristics. Offensive are tempted to use each other'...
2009-02-16 回答者: 范德萨思 6个回答 4

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