问:尽量简洁,可以删减,只要故事大概完整就行。内容如下: 当JERRY长大的...
答:想把这只猫当成新的打架对象。He wanted to make this cat his new opponent.因此Jerry想利用一个老鼠夹子,So Jerry wanted to use a mousetrap 把那只猫给夹住。To capture the cat,如同他以前向TOM做的那样。Just as he had done to Tom.JERRY便藏在了墙角后,等待着那只猫的来临。Jerry ...
2010-12-22 回答者: 大英侠 6个回答 29
答:This is a humorous old movie story is told a successful man jack, wake up suddenly lived an ordinary life, a wife two children a dog. Lived a family life, at first jie is not a habit, can gradually, jie feel the happiness of life, although still thinking about past work,...
2010-12-12 回答者: 幕平行 4个回答 1
答:这家礼品店最畅销的商品是尼克松会见猫王普雷斯利的照片。photograph 名词,指"照片,相片"例句:The photograph showed a distinct image.照片显出了明晰的影像。Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times.她的照片登在了《纽约时报》的头版上。He'd like to go on safari...
2017-12-21 回答者: 安濯玉 3个回答
问:1.这幢大楼里有两间图书馆是吗?是的。 2.我们学校有一些足球场和网球常...
答:15.请参观我们的学校,请在这画一幅你学校的图画。Please visit our school ,and draw a piece of your school pictrue.16.树后面有什么?有一个英国女孩。What's behind the tree? It's an English girl.17.讲台上有什么?有些书和海报。What 's on the rostrum? Some books and playbill...
2007-08-12 回答者: TaoG 2个回答 6
问:这一学期的第一周将由我们XX班任值周班。 XX班是一个由37位同学组成的班...
答:he can do except theaimto be, outstanding performance!XX classmate is an excellent, versatile girl. As an English lesson representative of her achievement is good, not only English in lead us a struggling she also serious to do her job. Assist the teacher transceiver homework, help...
2011-02-12 回答者: 984503268 4个回答
求高手把这首蔡健雅的《BEAUTIFUL LOVE》翻译成英文~~
问:看住时间 别让它在再流浪 从前我太适应悲伤 你的出现在无意中 却深深撼...
答:世界倾斜,天堂把我们推进 The secret of our world, is writin in the starts,我们世界的秘密,写在开头 I carry your heart in mine.我承载了你的心 What a beautiful smile,多么美丽的笑容 Can I stay for a while,我可以再待一会吗 On this beautiful night,哦这美丽的夜晚 We'll make ...
2011-07-16 回答者: 知道网友 4个回答
问:发翻译网站给我的 或者跑去英文翻译网翻译的 靠边站谢谢,! 翻译以下: ⒈...
答:⒌我在学校只学历史、政治、地理、三种课程,前段时间,我的作文获了全国一等奖,5. I only learn histry, politics and geogray in school. Not long ago, my essay was awarded the first place around our country.⒍我每天早晨8点起来,上午去补习班学英语,剩下时间几乎都在上网,但我们所处时间...
2008-07-18 回答者: awayuki 7个回答 1
答:When I was six years old,my father have already gonna the America,one year later,my mather also come to the America,and my parent just like almost Chinese person,my father did the about the restaurant’s job,they were not choice to live Los Angeles, north parents doesn’t ...
2012-06-13 回答者: 知道网友 13个回答 2
答:【应该是第一次给这个老外回信吧。其实没必要这么认真的。不用上来就这么推心置腹的谈人生哲学(如第二段 有关内心不内心的)。因此对第二段稍作了修改。如果只是简单跟人家交个朋友的话,似乎没必要把所有事都拉到民族关系上。所以第三段似乎意义不大。当然,篡改了不少原作。如果不喜欢,大可不必...
2009-12-25 回答者: 知道网友 6个回答 6
把下列句子翻译成英文: 1.我们应该从失败中吸取教训,这是很重要的。(l...
问:把下列句子翻译成英文: 1.我们应该从失败中吸取教训,这是很重要的。(...
答:1.It's very important that we should learn a lesson from fail !2.He believes that his dream that to be a stockbroker will come ture !3.Lots of students' endup work will not use their knowledge
2011-03-10 回答者: 人海飘飘 3个回答 84

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