答:)Today, Mapo doufu is celebrated worldwide.(如今,麻婆豆腐已经闻名世界。)It has gained a permanent foothold in countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, and more.(在美国、加拿大、英国、法国、越南、...
2024-05-11 回答者: 唔哩生活 1个回答
可以将下面文字翻译成英文,急需! 在漫长文化发展过程中,中西方用香...
问:可以将下面文字翻译成英文,急需! 在漫长的香文化发展过程中,中西方用...
答:In the process of development of incense culture long, in the West with fragrant and fragrant attitude have different characteristics. The West will be a variety of spices extracts of sesame oil, fragrance, perfume and into, spray on the body, clothing or bedroom, and China and ...
2015-04-08 回答者: 柒月黑瞳 1个回答
英文稿 介绍岭南文化的 六年级水平 要简单可以2分钟之内读完 实在没有...
答:Lingnan culture is splendid Chinese culture important organic component of the motherland culture, is one hundred spectacle. Unearthed relics of lingnan ancestors, lingnan culture as proof of material culture original. Based on the unique geographical environment and historical conditions, ...
2011-04-03 回答者: 薯条和雪碧 1个回答 5
2011-03-14 回答者: ybs0501 1个回答
求 雅加达英文介绍!
2016-12-01 回答者: 天使雪恬 3个回答 9
答:The Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, is the first year of the year and also the traditional "New Year's Day".春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首,亦为传统意义上的“年节”。Spring Festival has a long history, which evolved from the first year of prayer in ancient times.春节...
2019-06-24 回答者: 沉默火圣0540 1个回答
答:爱尔兰英文导游词 爱尔兰英文介绍Republic of Ireland 用英语介绍爱尔兰 As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it ...
2016-12-01 回答者: diaolei858 3个回答 12
答:国家简介 新加坡共和国旧称为星嘉坡或星加坡(俗称星洲或星国),是东南亚的一个城市岛国,位于马来半岛南端,马六甲海峡南口。南面有新加坡海峡与印尼隔海相望,北与马来西亚相隔柔佛海峡,以长堤相连。新加坡的国土除了本岛之外,还包括周围数岛。 新加坡是一个亚洲热带岛国,由一个本岛和63个小岛组成。它的气温变化不大...
2009-09-19 回答者: 仙女为我狂 2个回答 5
2010-11-22 回答者: 爷丽爷天生丽质 3个回答 7
答:阿根廷的芭蕾舞《探戈舞女孩》 :一个腰部的臀部文化 Argentine ballet 《 the tango girl 》 :The culture of a hip of waist http://ent.sina.com.cn November 14 in 200316:19The new wave amuse Whenever I recite this single phrase of" the root of 阿 lift where", total there is ...
2007-05-10 回答者: hy520419 3个回答 3

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