问:很急。。。。哪位好心人帮帮。。。。thank you
答:Their biggest enemy was Lord Voldemort.And they defeated Lord Voldemort in the end.I admire Harry and his friends' courage after I saw the flim.I think it is a wonderful flim.I like it very much.译文:上周,我看了一张名为《哈利·波特》的电影。这是一个关于一个名叫哈利·...
2021-08-24 回答者: 画堂晨起1 5个回答 44
答:View the animal story Today, we are looking at the animal story.This film tells the casual destruction of nature, leading to melting glaciers, polar bears drift into Africa, living on the beach for more than 700 years old tortoise and his wife, because the water heavily polluted,...
2014-02-15 回答者: 愛議鎄 2个回答 5
英文作文 外国电影观后感2篇
答:老人与海 This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel " old person and sea ". I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain ...
2013-09-03 回答者: 知道网友 3个回答 1
答:This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior.这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎么成为一个真正的龙武士的。At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.起初,师傅不相信熊猫能成为勇敢的龙...
2020-01-25 回答者: 萧华晖墨西 1个回答 6
答:If only Today, I will talk about a movie I love. The name of the movie is If Only.It is a love story about a pretty girl and a handsome man. Samantha is a student in a music school, she loves her boyfriend Ian very much. Also Ian loves her, but Ian does not know ...
2010-08-17 回答者: sanrenmi 6个回答 10
答:"Trench warfare" about it "Tunnel warfare, hey, tunnel warfare..." Whenever this song in my ear, and there is a strange attraction, I threw themselves raised his head, looking at the screen, we can't forget. Heart a impulse, a memory, a bit hate, a wisp of patriotism ...
2015-03-05 回答者: 丶_伍艾湖灬 1个回答 19
答:<这个杀手不太冷>观后感 This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done......
2013-09-07 回答者: 坟墓陵园 2个回答 4
有没有看完英语电影后的英文观后感 电影和观后感都要英文的。
答:英文影评:摩登时代(Modern Times)Charlie Chaplin rages against the machines in an anti-capitalist comedy featuring the Little Tramp alongside his real-life lover and soon-to-be wife, Paulette Goddard Chaplin was in the midstvb电视剧t of his anti-sound protest (during which he made ...
2012-01-30 回答者: 知道网友 1个回答 8
答:初恋50 First Dates What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year?Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s...
2012-02-05 回答者: xiaoguai541 2个回答 1
答:碟中谍4 :Mission Impossible 4:Ghost Protocol is one of the best action movies I have ever seen recently.Although I have not seen any of the three installments Of Mission Impossible,but after watching MI 4 I am surely going to watch the three installments.I must say,Mission ...
2020-07-28 回答者: 宾壤裘鸿光 1个回答

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